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AASHTO HAZ-1 pdf free download

AASHTO HAZ-1 pdf free download.Fundamental Capabilities of Effective All-Hazards Infrastructure Protection, Resilience, and Emergency Management for State Departments of Transportation.
Planning Resources
Consjderinç’ Security and Emerç’ency Manaç’ement in (lie Planning of Transportation Projects: A Guide for Planners of Neu’ Transportation Projects (May 2012)
http ://wwwplann ing.dot.gov/documents/consideri ngsecurityandcm .pdf
A guide developed by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration to help ensure that security and emergency management are considered during the planning phase of highway—related infrastructure projects. The intended audience is the transportation infrastructure project community, especially transportation planners at a state DOT or a regional metropolitan planning organization (MPO). The guide includes checklists, examples, and resources.
Integrating Security into the Project Plan ning and Development Process (20 12)
http ://wwwplann ing.dot.gov/documents/Integrating_Security_into_Proj ect_Plann ing.pdf
This brochure outlines linkages for security planning into the project planning process and provides techniques and tips along with resources to help inform discussions about protection and security
NCHRP Report 525, Surface Transportation Security, i/o!. 16: A Guide to Emeiancy Response Pla,ining at State Traits— portatioli Agencies (201 0).
http://www.trb.org/rnain/bIurbs/1 64691 .aspx
This guide provides an overview of high-level requirements for emergency response planning based on national policies, an agency self—assessment, and a resource guide with organization staffing guidance, decision-making sequences, and resource lists.
TCRP Report 86, J/o1. 8/NIIRP REPORT 525, Surface Transportation Security, Klume 8: Continuity of Operations (COOP) Planning Git idelines for Transportation Agencies (2005)
http://www trb.org/main/blurb/1 56474.aspx
The guidelines were designed to assist transportation agencies in operations plans, policies, and procedures consistent with the National Incident Management System. Downloadahle worksheets, template for a COOP plan, brochures to explain COOP planning process for staff; a customizable PowerPoint for executive leadership, and 300—plus resources organized in an electronic library are included.
Generic Continuity of Operations/Contittuity of Governainent Plan for State—Level Transportation Agencies (2011) http://transweb.sjsu.edu/projec’1 080.html
This report covers the research conducted to determine how to integrate COOP/COG into the overall NIMS approach to emergency management, including a connection between the emergency operations center (EOC) and the COOP/COG activity
NCHRP Research Results Diest 333/I CRP Research Results D,est 90, Natural Hazards Infàrmer Number 4, A Guide to Planning Resources on Transporation and Hazards (2009) http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rrd_333.pdf This joint NCI IRP and TCRP report highlights a framework for thinking about the stages of a disaster and identifies some of the most current and innovative hazard-related research.
Customers require timely and accurate travel information. Given the speed and frequency with which corn— munication travels in today’s environment, communicating “regularly and often” may mean multiple times per day, especially during emergencies. As a public entity, the agency may be inundated with requests for public information. Demonstrating a commitment to honest transparency with information and public data can help build and maintain an agency’s reputation.
Key Public Information Capabilities
• Make sure that effective communications mechanisms and people are in place so that the agency can communicate regularly and competently to all stakeholders.
• Maintain clear and streamlined communications, with coordination and a cooperative attitude among all process stakeholders.
• Communicate regularly and often.
• Be proactive by releasing relevant and related public data.
• Leverage all appropriate communication means such as social media sites and web-based and mobile technology.
• Provide 24,7 travel information and timely alerts and warnings.
• Coordinate public information and establish procedures to ensure that DOT “speaks with one voice” and releases consistent information to the public and the media.AASHTO HAZ-1  pdf download.

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