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AASHTO M170M-15 pdf free download

AASHTO M170M-15 pdf free download.Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe [Metric].
5.1. Unless otherwise designated by the owner at the time of, or before placing an order, there are two separate and alternative bases of acceptance. Independent of the method of acceptance, the pipe shall be designed to meet both the 0.3-mm crack and ultimate strength requirements specified in Tables I to 5.
5.1 .1. Acceptance on the Basis of Plant Load-Bearing Tests, Material Tests, and Inspection of Manufactured Pipe for Visual Defects and Imperfections—Acceptability of the pipe in all diameters and classes produced in accordance with Section 7.1 or Section 7.2 shall be determined by the results of the three-edge-bearing tests as defined in Section 11.3.1; by such material tests as arc required in Sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, and 6.6; by an absorption test of the concrete from the wall of the pipe as required in Section 11.9; and by visual inspection of the finished pipe to determine its conformance with the accepted design and its freedom from defects.
5.1 .2. Acceptance on the Basis of Material Tests and Inspection of Manuflicrured Pipe for Defcis and Impeifections—Accept ability of the pipe in all diameters and classes produced in accordance with Section 7.1 or Section 7.2 shall be determined by the results of such material tests as are required in Sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, and 6.6; by crushing tests on concrete cores or cured concrete cylinders; by an absorption test of the concrete from the wall of the pipe for each mix design that is used on an order; and by inspection of the finished pipe including amount and placement of reinforcement to determine its conformance with the accepted design and its freedom from defects.
5.1.3. When agreed upon by the owner and the manufacturer, any portion or any combination of the tests itemized in Section 5.1.1 or Section 5.1.2 may form the basis of acceptance.
5.2. Age for Acceptance—Pipe shall be considered ready for acceptance when it conforms to the requirements as indicated by the specified tests.
6.1. ReinfOrced (oncrete—The reinforced concrete shall consist of ccmentitious materials, mineral aggregates, and water, in which steel has been embedded in such a manner that the steel and concrete act together.
6.2. C’einentitious Materials:
6.2.1. C’ement—Cement shall conform to the requirements for portland cement of M 85, or shall be portland blast-furnace slag cement, or slag modified portland cement, or portland-pozzolan cement conforming to the requirements of M 240M/M 240 except that the pozzolan constituent in the Type IP portland-pozzolan cement shall be fly ash.
6.2.2. Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag (GGBFS,?—GGBFS shall conform to the requirements of grade 100 or 120 of M 302.
6.2.3. Flv Ash—Fly ash shall conform to the requirements of Class F or Class C of M 295.
7.1.Design Tab/es—The diameter, wall thickness, compressive strength of the concrete, and the area of the circumferential reinforcement shall be as prescribed for Class I to V in Tables I to 5, except as provided in Section 7.2.
7.1.1. The reinforcement as presented in the tables herein allows single circular cage reinforcement, or separate inner and outer circular cage reinforcement or a combination thereof. Footnotes to the tables are intended to clarify tabulated requirements, or provide acceptable alternative reinforcement designs, either of which are to be considered applicable and binding as if they were contained in the body of the specification.
7.2. Modified and Special Designs:
7.2.1. If permitted by the owner, the manufacturer may request approval by the owner of modified designs that differ from the designs referenced in Section 7.1; or special designs for sizes and loads beyond those shown in Tables 1 to 5, referenced in Section 7.1; or special designs for pipe sizes that do not have steel reinforcement areas shown in Tables I to 5, referenced in Section 7.1.AASHTO M170M-15 pdf download.

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