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AASHTO MP 45-20 pdf free download

AASHTO MP 45-20 pdf free download.Materials for Full-Depth ReclamationI Mixtures with Emulsified Asphalt.
full-depth reclamation “FDR,—the on-site rehabilitation technique in which the full thickness of the asphalt pavement and a predetermined portion of the underlying materials (base, subbase. subgrade, or some combination of the three) is uniformly pulverized and blended with a stabilizing agent, with or without a combination of additives, generating and reusing 100 percent of the reclaimed material, with the resulting pavement serving as a base layer overlaid with a wearing surface.
Note I —Typical stabilizing agents for FDR include emulsified asphalt, foamed asphalt, Portland cement and lime. Typical additives include lime, Portland cement and aggregate.
3.2. Type 1 FDR— mixtures containing less than 8 percent passing No. 200 (0.075-mm) sieve of the combined material.
3.3. Type 2 FDR— mixtures containing greater than or equal to 8 percent passing No. 200 (0.075-mm) sieve of the combined material.
3.4. reclaimed asphalt pavement (‘RAP,I—rernoved, processed, or removed and processed pavement materials containing asphalt binder and aggregate.
4.1. This standard may be used to select and evaluate materials for full-depth reclamation mixture designs.
4.2. Specifying an emulsified asphalt alone for FDR may not be satisfactory in producing a good- performing mixture.
5.1. Process pavement cores or slabs according to PP 101 to produce the gradation band shown in Table 1. Alternatively, if experience has demonstrated consistent field gradations from milling, process the RAP to that gradation.
Note 2—Adjustment of the gradation bands to local conditions and construction equipment is recommended. The selected gradations shall be chosen to match the expected field gradation as closely as possible, with the exception that a greater top size on the project is expected. Gradations on a project will vary from sample to sample. Slight adjustments in the field to the design emulsified asphalt content are often necessary to obtain optimum mixture performance.
5.2. Ensure RAP meets agency requirements for an asphalt base mixture.
6.1. EmulsfIed Asphalt:
6.1.1. For an engineered emulsified asphalt, we LTPPBind (version 3.0/3.1 or later), the nearest weather station to the project, 98 percent reliability and the depth to the top of the FDR layer in the pavement structure to select the low temperature PG requirements from M 320 for the residue of the emulsified asphalt. Determine the other properties of the emulsified asphalt to meet mixture requirements.
Note 3—For an overlay thickness of 2 in. (50 mm), determine the cold temperature requirement at 98 percent reliability at that thickness as the minimum requirement for the base asphalt of the emulsified asphalt. For a surface treatment, use 0 in. For example, if LTPPBind determines a cold temperature minimum of—10°C (14°F) and the predominant grade for that climate is —16°C (3°F), then a base asphalt for the emulsified asphalt of—16°C (3°F) or —22°C (—8°F) is acceptable.
6.1.2. Use CSS- 1 or CSS- 1 h from M 208 for cationic emulsified asphalt.
6.1.3. Use HFMS-2, HFMS-2h, or HFMS-2s from M 140 for anionic emulsified asphalt. Note 4 —A general recommendation for any of the recycling emulsified asphalts is a minimum residue of 64 percent.
6.2. Other Additives:
6.2.1. If quicklime or hydrated lime is used it shall meet the requirements of M 216. If Type I or II cement is used, it shall meet the requirements of M 85.
6.2.2. Ensure additional aggregate meets agency requirements for at least an asphalt base mixture.
7.1. The full-depth reclamation mixture design at optimum emulsified asphalt content shall meet the requirements specified in Table 2 when prepared in accordance with PP 101.
AASHTO MP 45-20 pdf download.

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