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AASHTO R77-16 pdf free download

AASHTO R77-16 pdf free download.Certifying Suppliers of Emulsified Asphalt.
10.2. The agency shall notify the supplier that the supplier’s application for approved supplier status has been granted. The notification shall include a list of the emulsified asphalt grades approved for shipment. 10.3. The agency shall authorize shipment of each emulsified asphalt listed under the approved supplier certification system only after all approved supplier certification system requirements have been satisfied. 10.4. The agency shall verify that the supplier’s primary testing laboratory is currently AASHTO- accredited or has met suitable requirements until accreditation may be obtained. 10.5. The agency may perform split sample testing in accordance with Section 12. 10.6. The agency may perform quality assurance sampling and testing in accordance with Section 13. 10.7. The agency shall inspect the operations of the supplier ‘s facility related to emulsified asphalt shipments when desired. 10.8. The agency shall notify the supplier when the comparison of split sample data versus supplier sample data does not satisfy the limits established in Sections 12 and 13. Note 4 The supplier or the paving contractor may take a split sample for comparison purposes. If a split sample is taken, a third sample shall be taken as a“referee.” The referee sample shall be retained by the agency until the test results are available. Care should be taken to prevent the referee sample from freezing while in storage. If the test results are disputed, the agency and supplier shall agree upon a laboratory to evaluate the referee sample and a test procedure for the evaluating laboratory to use.
11. REQUIREMENTS FOR SHIPPING BY AN APPROVED SUPPLIER 11.1. The supplier must secure an agency-approved quality control plan before shipping is permitted for agency projects (see Section 9). 11.2. The supplier shall make emulsified asphalt shipments covered by the certification as dictated by shipping schedules. 11.3. Each shipment shall be accompanied by two copies of the bill-of-lading, which shall include the following: (1) the name and location of the supplier, (2) the grade or type of emulsion material, (3) the quantity of material shipped, (4) the date of shipment, (5) a statement certifying the material meets specification requirements, (6) a statement certifying that the transport vehicle was inspected before loading and was found acceptable for the material shipped, and (7) the supplier’s laboratory number/identifier for the tests that are the basis of the certification of the shipment. Note 5- _On any invoice or bill-of-lading, it is recommended that U.S. gallons or short tons be used as the primary units of measurement. . 11.4. If the specification compliance test results do not conform to the emulsified asphalt specifications, the supplier shall remove the noncompliant material from the shipping queue as outlined in Section 9.2. 11.5. Based on the agency ‘s split sample testing on the referee sample (see Note 4), a price adjustment may be applied to material that does not comply with the emulsified asphalt requirements. The price adjustment shall be determined by the agency. If problems with the emulsified asphalt recur at the job site, the agency may suspend use of the emulsified asphalt until the cause for noncompliance with the specifications can be identified and corrected.AASHTO R77-16  pdf download.

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