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AASHTO M249-12 pdf free download

AASHTO M249-12 pdf free download.White and Yellow Reflective Thermoplastic Striping Material (Solid Form).
4.3.2. Drying Time- When applied at a temperature range of2l I ± 7°C (412.5 ± 12.5°F) and thickness of 3.2 to 4.8 mm (125 to 188 mils), the material shall set to bear traffic in not more than 2 mm when the air temperature is 10 ± 2°C (50 3°F) and not more than 10 mm when the air temperature is 32 ± 2°C (90 ± 3°F).
4.3.3. Cracking Resistance at Low TenlpL’raure—After heating the thermoplastic material for
240 ± 5 mm at 218 ± 2°C (425 ± 3°F), applying to concrete blocks, and cooling —9.4 ± 1.7°C (15 ± 3°F), the material shall show no cracks.
4.3.4. Impact Resistance—After heating the thermoplastic material for 240 ± 5 mm at 218 ± 2°C (425 ± 3°F) and forming test specimens, the impact resistance shall be a minimum of 1.13J (lOin.-lb).
4.3.5. Softening Point—After heating the thermoplastic material for 240 ± 5 mm at 218 ± 2°C (425 ± 3°F) and testing in accordance with ASTM D 36/D 36M the materials shall have a softening point of 102.5 ± 9.5°C (215 ± 15°F).
4.3.6. Flowahilitv—After heating the thermoplastic material for 240 ± 5 mm at 218 ± 2°C (425 ± 3F) and testing for flowability, the white thermoplastic shall have a maximum percent residue of 18 and the yellow thermoplastic shall have a maximum percent residue of 21.
4.3.7. Yellowness Index—-The white thermoplastic material shall not exceed a yellowness index of 0.12.
4.3.8. Flowahilitv—Ertended Heatiiig—–Aftcr heating the thermoplastic material 8.0 ± 0.5 h at 218 ± 2°C (425 + 3°F), with stirring the last 6 h, and tested for tiowability, the thermoplastic shall have a maximum percent residue of 28.
4.4. Storage Life Thermoplastic material shall meet the above requirements and melt uniformly with no evidence of skins or umnelted particles for a period of 1 year. Any material not meeting the above requirements shall be replaced by the manufacturer.
5.1. The in-place marking material evaluated on a test deck not exposed to snow plowing administered or performed by an authorized testing facility as approved by the National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) shall be capable of maintaining the following minimum retroreflectance value through 180 days of exposure when tested in accordance with ASTM E 1710:Note 3—Values are based upon using a double drop bead application.
Note 4—DISCIAIN1ER: Prequalification is intended to determine the acceptability of thermoplastic material based upon field evaluation of the material installed under ideal conditions and exposed to traffic on a controlled field test deck. The user may experience variable performance in actual striping applications due to improper installation practices, modification of product or reflective glass beads. Actual performance may also vary dependent upon traffic volume and type of vehicle exposure along with road maintenance procedures associated with deicing and snow removal.
Note 5 —For the purpose of inspection and acceptance. the specifying agency may set a contract minimum retroreflectance value at the time of installation as part of the construction specification.
6.1. The thermoplastic material shall be capable of being applied by spraying, screed extrusion, or ribbon extrusion, as specified by the purchaser, at temperatures of2l I ± 7°C (412 ± 12.5°F) from approved equipment, to produce a line 3.2 to 4.8 mm (125 to 188 mils) thick, which shall be continuous and uniform in shape, having clear and sharp dimensions, particularly when extruded.
6.2. The material shall not exude fumes that are toxic or injurious to persons or property when it is heated during applications.
6.3. The application of additional surface applied glass beads shall be accomplished by means of a pressurized bead dispenser or by drop-on methods at a rate specified by the purchaser or manufacturer and agreed to by the applicator.AASHTO M249-12 pdf download.

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