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AASHTO M197-06 pdf free download

AASHTO M197-06 pdf free download.Aluminum Alloy Sheet for Corrugated Aluminum Pipe.
4.2. Orders for material to this specification shall include the following information, as necessary, to adequately describe the desired product.
4.2.1. Name of material (aluminum alloy sheet for corrugated aluminum pipe);
4.2.2. AASHTO designation number and year of issue;
4.2.3. Corrugation size, if corrugated (Section 8.4);
4.2.4. Dimensions (thickness; width, either flat or overall corrugated; and length, if cut length);
4.2.5. Coil size requirements (specify maximum outside diameter (OD), acceptable inside diameter (ID),
and maximum mass);
4.2.6. Certification, if required (Section 11.1); and
4.2.7. Special requirements.
Note 1—Typical ordering descriptions are as follows: Aluminum alloy sheet for corrugated aluminum pipe conforming to M 197- , 2.67 by 760 mm by coil, 1200 mm OD max, 600 mm ID mm, 5000 kg max, certified with test report.
5.1. Aluminum alloy sheets or coils supplied under this specification shall conform to the applicable requirements of ASTM B209M for Aiclad alloy 3004-1134 for annular pipe and Alciad alloy 3004-H32 for helical pipe.
6.1. The sheet material shall conform to the chemical composition limits in ASTM B209M, as shown in Table 2.
7.1. The sheet material shall conform to the requirements for mechanical properties specified in ASTM B209M, as shown in Table 3 when tested prior to corrugating or other fabrication. Note 2- Sheet material tested after corrugating and other fabricating should conform to the specified tensile and yield strength requirements, but due to cold working, conformance to the elongation requirements may not be obtained.
8.1. Sheet thickness shall conform to dimensions prescribed in Table 1.
8.2. The nominal cladding thickness on each side shall be 5 percent of the total composite thickness. The average cladding thickness, determined according to Section 9.4, shall not be less than 4 percent of the total composite thickness.
8.3. Permissible variations in flat width, length, and squareness shall be in accordance with
ANSI H35.2M.
8.4. Corrugations shall form smooth continuous curves and tangents. The dimensions of the corrugations shall be in accordance with Table 4.
8.5. Covering width of corrugated sheet shall be in accordance with Table 5. Covering width is the distance between the crests of the extreme corrugations. There is no established tolerance for overall width since the covering width and lip dimensions are the governing factors for the formed product. The lip dimension of corrugated sheet shall be in accordance with Table 6. This dimension is measured along the radial curvature from the crest of the corrugation to the edge of the sheet.
9.1. Sampling and testing shall be according to ASTM B209M. The manufacturer shall make adequate tests and measurements to ensure that the material produced complies with this specification.
9.1.1. Test results, including chemical composition, mechanical properties, and cladding thickness, shall be maintained by the sheet manufacturer for 7 years and shall be made available to the fabricator and purchaser upon request, for examination at the manufacturer’s facility unless otherwise agreed upon.
9.2. The fabricator or the purchaser may make such tests as necessary to determine the acceptability of the material or to verify the correctness of a certification.
9.3. Mechanical properties shall be determined on sheet prior to corrugating or other fabricating, except tests may be made after fabrication by the purchaser for tensile and yield strengths.AASHTO M197-06  pdf download.

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