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AASHTO TP 74-09 pdf free download

AASHTO TP 74-09 pdf free download.Passing Ability of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) by J-Ring.
5.2. Slump Cone Mold- -The SCC shall be placed in an inverted slump cone mold conforming to the applicable requirements ofT 119M/T 119.
5.3. Base Plate– The base plate shall be made of a stiff, nonabsorbing material, at least 820 mm [32 in.] square and marked with both a circle indicating the central location for the slump cone and a concentric circle with a diameter of 500 mm [20 in.].
7.6. Remove any spilled or struck off SCC from around the base of the cone to preclude interference with the flowing SCC.
7.7. Raise the cone vertically 230 mm ± 75 mm [9 in. ± 3 in.] above the base plate with no lateral or torsional motion within a time period of 3 s ±1 s, and allow the SCC to flow out freely from within. Complete procedures in Sections 7.3 through 7.7 within 2’/2 mm.
7.8. After the concrete flow has stopped, measure the final diameter of the SCC in two perpendicular directions to the nearest 6 mm [0.25 in.] (Note 2). The average of the two measured diameters is the slump flow in millimeters (inches). Any border of mortar without coarse aggregate or a bleed water “halo” shall be included in the slump flow diameter.
Note 2——Measure the largest diameter of the slump flow as one diameter and the perpendicular diameter as the second to ensure consistency between tests. If the two values differ in diameter by more than 51 mm [2 in.], the test is considered invalid and must be repeated because it is likely that the cone was raised with lateral motion.
7.9. Measure the height of the SCC just inside the ring at four locations to an accuracy of 6mm [0.25 in.] (heights are designated h through hLI4). Measure the height of the SCC just outside the ring at four locations to an accuracy of 6 mm [0.25 in.] (heights are designated hb) through I’M). A flat bar or tamping rod placed horizontally across the top of the i-Ring apparatus may be used as a reference to determine the height of the SCC.
7.10. Measure the difference in height between the slump flow patty at the center of the ring (h1) and just inside the ring at four locations to accuracy of 6 mm [0.25 in.]. A flat bar or tamping rod placed horizontally across the top of the i-Ring apparatus may be used as a reference to determine the height of the SCC.
7.11. Conduct the standard test, TP 73, using SCC from the same sample as used for this J-Ring test so the results of the J-Ring test may be compared with the results from the slump flow test.
8.1. Calculate the average of the two measured diameters of the SC’U patty after flowing through the J-Ring apparatus. This average value is the i-Ring flow. In general, greater i-Ring flow values indicate greater passing ability.
8.2. Calculate the average of the two measured diameters of the SCC after unrestricted flowing, without the i-Ring in place, by TP 73. This average value is the slump flow.
8.3. Calculate the difference between the i-Ring flow and the slump flow. This value is an indication of the passing ability of the SCC. A difference of less than 25 mm [1 in.] indicates good passing ability, and a difference greater than 51 mm [2 in.] indicates poor passing ability.AASHTO TP 74-09 pdf download.

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