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AASHTO PP 80-20 pdf free download

AASHTO PP 80-20 pdf free download.Continuous Thermal Profile of Asphalt Mixture Construction. Global Positioning System (GPS)- a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information, anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. 2.1.3. Distance Measuring Instrument (DMI)- a sensor attached to a wheel on the paver to calculate distance and velocity. 2.1.4. index- measure or standard to quantify the uniformity of a hot- or warm-mix asphalt construction operation. 2.1.5. paver mounted thermal profile (PMTP) system- a system used to continually monitor surface temperature readings of the mat immediately behind the trailing edge of the screed plate during placement operations. contour plot- -a graphic display of data using contour lines and/or color scales. These plots may display raw values or employ varying degrees of smoothing. range- the difference between the surface temperature readings at the 98.5 and 1 percentile. surface temperature readings- the temperatures of the mat immediately behind the trailing edge of the paver screed during placement operations. thermal coverage (TC)- the percent of the total paving area, for the given lift, where surface temperature readings (meeting the requirements of this provision) are collcted and stored. thermal profile- -the surface temperature readings and associated GNSS coordinates and time stamps.2.1.6. traffic lane- the portion of a traveled way for the movement of a single line of vehicles. auxiliary lane- -a portion of the roadway adjoining the traveled way for parking, speed-change, or other purposes supplementary to through traffic movement. centerline offsets- the location of the left and right edge of the production/compaction area with respect to the centerline, facing in the direction of increasing stationing. Stationing typically increases from west to east and south to north. direction of travel- -the direction that tra fic moves during non-construction conditions (e.g., north bound, southbound, eastbound, westbound). roadway- general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right of way. traveled way- the portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes. 2.1.7. Veta- a standardized intelligent construction data management (ICDM) software that stores, maps and analyzes geospatial data resulting from intelligent compaction, thermal profiling and spot test data (e.g., density, moisture). This software can perform standardized data processing, analysis and reporting to provide project summary results quickly in the field from various intelligent compaction and thermal profiling manufacturers. In particular, the software can provide statistics, histograms, correlations for these measurements, document coverage area and evaluate the uniformity of compaction and surface temperature measurements as part of the project quality control operations. Veta can be downloaded from the Advanced Materials and Technology Website. (Software can be downloaded from www.intelligentcompaction.com) Distinctly identify the lots for thermal profile measurements using the standard format per Tables 4 and 5. Ensure that the lot designations are digitally stored with the associated thermal profile measurements. See Appendix X1“Standardized Naming Convention for Lots'” for example naming convention. Note 3- The coordinates contain the date component of the lot designation and, therefore, are not included in the standardized naming convention. Note 4 Automation has been created in Veta that reduces the amount of time to create the project by about 90 percent when using this standardized lot naming convention. Additionally, manufacturers have requested standardization of lot names among agencies to allow the ability to start creating associated platforms in the PMTP systems for automation and increasing the ease of labeling, selection, and other operations for screed operators.AASHTO PP 80-20 pdf download.

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