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AASHTO R25-19 pdf free download

AASHTO R25-19 pdf free download.Technician Training and CertificationI Programs.
3.1.1. A successful TCP requires the full support and commitment from agencies and industry that have a vested interest in technician training and certification. Involvement of those with a common interest in technician training and certification helps in understanding the multiple perspectives of the team members, and this, in turn, helps develop policies and procedures that will be supported by their respective organizations.
3.1.2. Development of an agreement at the program inception, and before major changes, is recommended as the best means for gaining the needed understanding and support for the program.
3.1.3. Consideration of reciprocal agreements between states, and where feasible, regions, regarding materials technician certification acceptance is a means of addressing economy and business process efficiencies and should be an integral part of all TCPs.
3.2. Background:
3.2.1. Historic roles and responsibilities of industry and agencies have changed for sampling and testing activities under QA specifications. QA specifications allow the use of contractor test results in the acceptance decision, and the use of consultants in independent assurance and verification sampling and testing programs.
3.2.2. Certification programs and associated training have been shown to be an effective tool for improving the quality of highways and bridges by verifying essential knowledge and skills are possessed by agency or industry personnel who monitor, inspect, and control construction operations. Certification programs for personnel have proven to be useful, common “yardsticks” for measuring expertise and performance among public transportation agencies, private construction contractors, and independent materials laboratories.
3.2.3. As the use of QA specifications increases, the need for TCPs as an equitable means for test result comparison and credibility between contract parties has become apparent. Each state using QA specifications should have provisions requiring the use of certified technicians involved in construction project testing and inspection activities.
4.1. Joint Sponsorship, Key to Success—A successful TCP works best with the full support and commitment from all parties (i.e., agency and industry) that have a vested interest in technician training and certification. Developing a partnership agreement at program inception, and before major changes, is recommended as the best means for gaining needed understanding and support for a TCP.
4.2. TCP Oversight committee—State iaws and state DOTs’ policies may dictate a state or regional TCP structure, and restrictions on the language of the program charter and operation. Therefore, each state DOT should coordinate with its legal staff when developing their charter and bylaws for TCP governance and organizational structure.
Note 1—When developing a state or regional program whose bylaws will include rules that require certification, recertification, and/or provision for decertification, legal review is needed. The identification of legal restrictions and identification of the TCP charter or franchise requirements, based on applicable state laws, will help the TCP manager and oversight committee in their duties to administer the program.
4.2.1. A TCP should have an oversight committee to provide TCP governance. Several alternatives are recommended for establishing an oversight committee: Establish a joint venture between public and private industry; Have the state DOT take the lead; or Have an educational institution or industry group take the lead.AASHTO R25-19 pdf download.

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