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AASHTO T96-02 pdf free download

AASHTO T96-02 pdf free download.Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine.
2. Add a new Section after Section 3.1 of ASTMC 131-01 as follows: 3.2 DESCRIPTION OF TERMS Constant Mass- Test sample dried at a temperature of 110土5°C (230土9°F) to a condition such that it will not lose more than 0.1 percent moisture after an additional 2 h of drying at . 110土5°C (230土9°F). Such a condition of dryness can be verified by determining the mass of the sample before and after successive 2 h of drying periods. In lieu of such a determination, samples may be considered to have reached constant mass when they have been dried at a temperature of 110土5°C (230土9°F) for an equal or longer period than that previously found adequate for producing the desired constant mass condition under equal or heavier loading conditions of the oven. 3. Add the phrase to the first sentence in Section6.1 of ASTMC 131-01 as follows: . ..machine“equipped with a counter and” conforming… Also replace the seventh sentence of this section as follows: “A removable steel shelf shall extend along the length of the cylinder to within 5 mm (0.2 in.) of the full inside length of the cylinder, project inward 89土2 mm (3.5土0.1 in.) and shall be mounted on the interior cylindrical surface of the cylinder, or on the inside surface of the cover, in such a way that a plane centered between the large faces coincides with an axial plane.’ Also, the third from the last sentence of Section 6.1 of ASTM C 131-01 is not included in AASHTO T 96-02 (2010). 4. Changes to Figure 1 of ASTM C 131-01 are as follows:a. The phrase“NOT LESS THAN 1270 mm MEASURED ON OUTSIDE OF DRUM”is not included in AASHTO T 96-02 (2010). b. The steel wall thickness shall be changed from“12.7 mm THICK” to“12.7士3.2 mm(/士 /g in.) THICK.” 5. Add the following note after Note 2 in ASTMC 131-01: “NOTE- Due to its mass, the location of the shelf relative to the opening influences the“at rest”position of the opening. The shelf location should be chosen to provide a convenient position of the opening to facilitate the loading of aggregate and spheres and to avoid impact of the charge on the cover.” 6. Add the following new section after Section 6.3 of ASTMC 131-01: “Oven- -The oven shall be capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of 110土5°C (230土 9°F).” 7. Replace Section 6.3 of ASTMC 131-01 with the following: . “Balance- -The balance shall conform to AASHTO M 231, ClassG 5.”AASHTO T96-02 pdf download.

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