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AASHTO R 76-16 pdf free download

AASHTO R 76-16 pdf free download.Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size.
4.2. Under certain circumstances, reduction in size of the large sample prior to testing is not recommended. Substantial differences between the selected test samples sometimes cannot be avoided, as, for example, in the case of an aggregate having relatively few large-sized particles in the sample. The laws of chance dictate that these few particles may be unequally distributed among the reduced-size test samples. Similarly, if the test sample is being examined for certain contaminants occurring as a few discrete fragments in only small percentages, caution should be used in interpreting results from the reduced-size test sample. Chance inclusion or exclusion of only one or two particles in the selected test sample may importantly influence interpretation of the characteristics of the original sample. In these cases, the entire original sample should be tested.
4.3. Failure to carefully follow the procedures in these methods could result in providing a nonrepresentative sample to be used in subsequent testing.
5.1. Fine Aggregate—Samples of fine aggregate that are drier than the saturated surface-dry condition (Note I) shall be reduced in size by a mechanical splitter according to Method A. Samples having free moisture on the particle surfaces may be reduced in size by quartering according to Method B, or by treating as a miniature stockpile as described in Method C.
5.1.1. If the use of Method B or Method C is desired, and the sample does not have free moisture on the particle surfaces, the sample may be moistened to achieve this condition, thoroughly mixed, and then the sample reduction performed.
Note 1—The method of determining the saturated surface-dry condition is described in T 84. As a quick approximation, if the fine aggregate will retain its shape when molded in the hand, it may be considered to be wetter than saturated surface-dry.
5.1.2. If use of Method A is desired and the sample has free moisture on the particle surfaces, the entire sample may be dried to at least the surface-dry condition, using temperatures that do not exceed those specified for any of the tests contemplated, and then the sample reduction performed. Alternatively, if the moist sample is very large, a preliminary split may be made using a mechanical splitter having wide chute openings 38 mm (11/2 in.) or more to reduce the sample to not less than 5000 g. The portion so obtained is then dried, and reduction to test sample size is completed using Method A.
5.2. coarse Aggregates—Reduce the sample using a mechanical splitter in accordance with Method A (preferred method) or by quartering in accordance with Method B. The miniature stockpile Method C is not permitted for coarse aggregates or mixtures of coarse and tine aggregates.
5.3. combined coarse and Fine Aggregate—Samples that are in a dry condition may be reduced in size by either Method A or Method B. Samples having free moisture on the particle surfaces may be reduced in size by quartering according to Method B. When Method A is desired and the sample is damp or shows free water, dry the sample until it appears dry or until clumps can be easily broken by hand (Note 2). Dry the entire sample to this condition, using temperatures that do not exceed those specified for any of the tests contemplated, and then reduce the sample. The miniature stockpile Method C is not permitted for combined aggregates.
Note 2—The dryness of the sample can be tested by tightly squeezing a small portion of the sample in the palm of the hand. If the cast crumbles readily, the correct moisture range has been obtained.AASHTO R 76-16 pdf download.

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