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AASHTO R85-18 pdf free download

AASHTO R85-18 pdf free download.Quantifying Cracks in Asphalt Pavement Surfaces from Collected Pavement Images Utilizing Automated Methods.
7.3.1. The sum of the lengths in meters (feet) of all pattern cracks in the summary section shall be the extent of pattern cracking for each zone within the summary section. (Additionally, an extent by area can be reported as defined in Note I of Section 3.7.)
7.3.2. The average width in millimeters (inches) of all pattern cracks in the summary section for a given zone shall be the severity of the pattern cracking for that zone within the summary section.
7.4. Longitudinal cracks will be summarized by:
7.4.1. The sum of the lengths in meters (feet) of all longitudinal cracks in the summary section shall be the extent of longitudinal cracking for each zone within the summary section.
7.4.2. The average width in millimeters (inches) of all longitudinal cracks within the summary section for a given zone shall be the severity of longitudinal cracking for that zone within the summary section.
7.5. Other cracks will he summarized by:
7.5.1. The sum of the lengths in meters (feet) of all other cracks in the summary section shall be the extent of other cracking for each zone within the summary section. The average width in millimeters (inches) of all other cracks within the summary section for a given zone shall be the severity of other cracking for that zone within the summary section.
7.6. Transvemse cracks i•t’ill he summarized by:
7.6.1. The sum of the lengths in meters (feet) of all the transverse cracks in the summary section shall be the extent of transverse cracking within the summary section.
7.6.2. The average width in millimeters (inches) of all transverse cracks within the summary section shall be the severity of transverse cracking within the summary section.
Note 5—Cracks detected from intensity images alone and that are greater than 25 mm (1 in.) wide may reflect that a narrower crack is present and was sealed. Intensity images alone cannot separate these conditions. If this is the only technology employed. it is recommended that the system flag these occurrences for technician analysis. This analysis can be supported by input from the data collection operator by flagging when crack sealing is present. The advent of elevation images that can be analyzed along with intensity images should resolve this issue.
8.1. The calculated extent of longitudinal cracks, pattern cracks, and other cracks shall be reported by measurement zone for each crack category. The calculated extent of transverse cracks shall be reported as a single value for the entire summary section.
8.2. The calculated severity of longitudinal cracks, pattern cracks, and other cracks in each measurement zone shall be the reported severity for that crack category. The calculated severity of transverse cracks shall be reported as a single value for the entire summary section.
Note 6—Therefore, each summary section will have 32 values that characterize the cracking contained therein if both extent and severity are deemed necessary.
9.2. Any increase in the extent and severity of cracking in Zones 2 and 4 above that in Zone 3 is expected to typically reflect the impact of traffic loading.
AASHTO R85-18 pdf download.

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