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AASHTO R42-06 pdf free download

AASHTO R42-06 pdf free download.Developing a Quality Assurance Plan for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA).
6. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 6.1. Quality cannot be tested nor inspected into an HMA pavement. It must be built in through the implementation of properly designed QC and acceptance plans. The contractor should have a properly designed quality control plan and the agency should have a properly designed acceptance plan. The design and use of the plans is a critical step toward the successful manufacture, placement, and performance of HMA pavements. 6.2. This standard is used to aid in the completion of tasks noted in Sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2. 6.2.1. Implementation of a QC plan for a contractor(s). 6.2.2. Implementation of an acceptance plan for an agency. 6.3. QC and acceptance plans conforming to this standard practice are applicable to HMA pavement construction projects. If an inconsistency exists between the contract documents and either plan, the contract documents should govern. 7. APPARATUS 7.1. Laboratory Requirements: 7.1.1. Personal safety equipment required by the laboratory or OSHA for work in the HMA design and testing areas. 7.1.2. Apparatus as required by referenced standards for this standard practice. 7.1.3. All other laboratory apparatus needed to control the quality of HMA production and placement in accordance with project specifications.7.2. Field Requirements: 7.2.1. Personal safety equipment required by the field organization or OSHA. 7.2.2. Field apparatus listed in standards referenced as requirements in this standard practice. 7.2.3. All other field apparatus needed to control the quality of HMA production and placement in accordance with project specifications. 7.3. Apparatus required in Sections 7.1 and 7.2 should be furnished in the quantity necessary to assure that the materials and products used can be shown to conform to the HMA specification requirements without undue delay of the production and placement process. 7.4. Additional apparatus required for use by agency representatives for verification and acceptance activities should be provided by the agency unless otherwise specified. 8. STANDARDIZATION 8.1. Agency and contractor laboratories conducting work should satisfactorily participate in the AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL) proficiency sample program and should also be AMRL inspected. Alternately, a non-AASHTO laboratory qualification program that meets the same requirements could be used. Inspections or tests not covered by AMRL should comply with the applicable requirements of R 18 and ASTM D3666.8.1.1. All apparatus should be calibrated, and the calibration verified at established intervals, relevant to AASHTO, ASTM, or agency standards. 8.2. Sampling and testing personnel should be qualified through procedures developed by the agency for obtaining samples, processing samples, inspection of work, operation of testing equipment, and test equipment validation. 8.3. Verify the calibration of the nuclear density gauge(s) using ASTM D2950/D2950M or another system approved by the agency. 8.4. Records demonstrating compliance with the equipment, personnel, and QC requirements should be available during construction for agency review. 9. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ON HMA PROJECTS 9.1. Agency: 9.1.1. The agency should review and approve HMA volumetric mix designs proposed by the contractor and assess the adequacy of the contractor s QC plans. A reasonable time for review should be specified. The agency or a representative of the agency is responsible for all acceptance testing.AASHTO R42-06 pdf download.

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