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AASHTO T182-84 pdf free download

AASHTO T182-84 pdf free download.Coating and Stripping of Bitumen-Aggregate Mixtures.
4.2. This procedure is suggested as a go—no-go test at the 95 percent level because its precision is not satisfactory for application at lower levels. No attempt shall be made to evaluate the retention of a film below 95 percent. This is a limitation of the method and does not intend to imply in any way that an aggregate-bitumen combination failing to retain a 95 percent coating by this laboratory procedure will give unsatisfactory performance in the field (Note 2).
Note 2 -A stripping test employing a tracer salt method and a flame photometer technique, which provides fbr film evaluations below the 95 percent level, has been published for infbrmation only in the 1964 Proceedings of the American Societvfir Te.s’ting and Materials. Vol. 64, 1964. A statistical report on the work done to substantiate the method is available from ASTM Headquarters.
5.1. containers—for mixing, having rounded corners, such as seamless tin cans. 500 rnL (16 oz) capacity.
5.2. Sca/es—with a capacity of 200.0 g accurate to ± 0.1 g.
5.3. Spaiiila—steel, with a stiff blade approximately 25 mm (1 in.) in width and 100mm (4 in.) in length.
5.4. Constant Temperature Oven—capable of maintaining any temperature between 60 and 149°C (140 and 300°F) within ± I °C (2°F).’
5.5. Sieves—standard, woven-wire, square-hole, of 6.3 mm (1/4 in.) and 9.5 mm (I in.) size, in accordance with M 92.
6.1. Aggregatec—Prepare the aggregates such that 100 percent passes a 9.5-mm (3/x-in.) sieve and is retained on a 6.3-mm (‘/4-in.) sieve. The aggregates for the Dry Coating Test shall be washed in distilled water to remove all fines, dried at 135 to 149°C (275 to 300°F) to constant mass, and stored in airtight containers until required for use. Aggregates to be used in the Wet Coating Test, Section 8.3, shall be brought to a saturated surface dry condition using distilled water as described in Section 4 of the Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (T 85).
6.2. Distilled Water—Reboil or redistill, if necessary. so that the pH is 6.0 to 7.0. Do not use electrolytes of any kind for pH correction.
6.3. BitumL’ns—W here evaluation of bitumen is proposed. use material of the type, grade, and source proposed tbr the construction work. (See Section 7.1.) If chemical additives are proposed, add to the bitumen in the amount specified and thoroughly mix prior to testing.
7.1. Reference Aggregate—Use a reference aggregate of known local performance to evaluate the stripping resistance of bitumens.
7.2. Relerence Bitumen—Usc a reference bitumen of known local performance to evaluate the stripping resistance of aggregates.
8.1.2. Curing- Oven-cure the coated aggregate for two hours in the original container at 60°C (140°F). The ventilating port of the oven should be open during this curing step. After curing, remix with the spatula while the mixture cools to room temperature, or until the bituminous material ceases to drain off the aggregate. Coating must be complete after remixing; that is, no bare spots are permissible.
8.1.3. Water Immersion- Transfer the coated aggregate to a 600-mL glass container. Cover immediately with 400 mL of distilled water at room temperature (approximately 25°C (77°F)). Allow the coated aggregate to remain immersed in the water for 16 to 18 hours.AASHTO T182-84 pdf download.

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