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AASHTO EPD-1 pdf free download

The forces of change in transportation program delivery management are complex, characterized by significant interrelationships among the forces as well as the functional areas upon which these forces act, and have both positive and negative impacts. This chapter first highlights the symptoms of the need for change and for new tools and techniques to address past and ongoing changes. It then reviews specific forces or influences identified as being key drivers to transportation program management, across the four functional areas:
• Identifying Priorities—Which, for the purposes of this study, includes the program management disciplines of strategic planning, long-range planning, programming, asset management, performance measurement, and economic benefit/cost analysis;
• Obtaining Resources—Including program management functions related to securing federal funding, raising state revenue, attracting private and local financial participation in states’ transportation programs, and leveraging these sources through the application of capital market financing;
• Delivering the Program (Redefining Roles)—While the title of this category is quite broad, this study fccuses on program management elements related to the choice between and impact of in-house delivery and outsourcing and the distribution of management responsibilities among divisions of the DOT, outside advisors, and contractors; and
• Managing Finances—Including the administrative functions associated with managing an increasingly complex pooi of financial resources, including debt management, cash management, and cost estimation and control mechanisms.
2.2 Symptoms of Need for Change and for New Tools and Techniques
Over the years. the transportation industry has put significant energy and resources into improving the way transportation programs are planned, managed, and delivered. These efforts have yielded great improvements in critical areas such as long-range planning, project development, asset management, and finance. Despite the many advancements, several symptoms—highlighted below—point to the need for additional or improved program management and delivery tools and techniques.
2.2.1 Strategic Priorities Detached from Program Delivery
While many states have begun to spend greater energy on creating strategic plans and articulating the organization’s goals and objectives, these plans are often created with limited bearing on the actual day-to-day business of the organizations for which they are theoretically setting strategic direction.
2.2.3 Planning and Program Delivery Disconnects
Transportation system planning refers to a broad range of activities that include statewide and metropolitan long-range planning, medium-range planning, special program planning, and corridor planning. In theory, the common characteristic of these various activities is that they should provide a basis for policy, program, and project decision-making. In practice, however, agencies often treat system planning and program delivery in isolation, with little coordination between the two. Examples of areas where this disconnect can lead to inefficiencies and/or problems include:
• Program Development—Agency programs may be established or revamped based on state or federal mandates, political considerations, or other influences that are inconsistent or incompatible with plan goals and objectives;
• Resource Allocation—Legislative requirements, political pressure, and/or historical precedent can lead to or perpetuate allocation practices (e.g., geographic, modal, etc.) that do not reflect plan priorities; and
• Project Prioritization—Planning personnel often are not involved in programming functions and have limited interaction with agency staff that has responsibility for project selection. Also, the processes and criteria agencies use to identify and select projects frequently are not revised to reflect new plan priorities.AASHTO EPD-1  pdf download.

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