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AASHTO M 143-14 pdf free download

AASHTO M 143-14 pdf free download.Sodium Chloride.
4.1 . Orders for sodium chloride under this specification shall include the fbllowing information as necessamy to adequately describe the desired product:
4.1.1. AASHTO designation and year of issue;
4.1.2. Type and grade (if appropriate) of product required;
4.1 .3. Quantity required;
4.1 .4. Delivery location;
4.1.5. Special requirements (including special grading requirements, packaging size, marking requirements, and special shipping instructions), if required; and
4.1.6. Testing, lot size, and certification, if required.
5.1. The chemical composition for the sodium chloride ordered shall conform to a minimum of 95 percent sodium chloride (NaCI).
5.2. Brine shall be at a solution concentration of 23.3 percent NaCI by weight.
Note 1—Agencies may allow a variation of the required concentration when considering expected minimum roadway temperatures and performance needs based on the phase diagram shown in Figure Xl.l.
6.2.1. The sodium chloride shall be delivered to the specified location in a free-flowing and usable condition. Anticaking agents may be specified to prevent stockpiles from crusting over or forming clumps of product. The specifying agency may establish moisture requirements in addition to the other physical requirements.
6.3. Brine:
6.3.1. Sodium chloride brine shall be delivered at a solution concentration of 23.3 percent by weight with a specific gravity of 1.176 when tested in accordance with ASTM D 1429, Method D.
Note 2—Agencies may allow a variation of the required concentration when considering expected minimum roadway temperatures and performance needs based on the phase diagram shown in Figure X 1.1.
7. 1. Sampling Solid Forms of Sodium Qi bride:
7.1.1. Lot size shall be as agreed on between the purchaser and supplier at the time of purchase.
7.1.2. Samples shall be taken at the point of delivery.
7.1 .3. A minimum of three samples shall be randomly selected from each lot to form a representative composite sample.
7.1.4. Each increment of the composite sample shall be obtained by removing a minimum of 25 mm [1 in.] of material from the surface and obtaining a 500-g [approximately 1-lbj sample of sodium chloride to a depth of at least 150 mm [6 in.]. A sampling tube, sampling thief, or other method that will ensure a representative cross section of the material shall be used. A representative composite sample of the lot shall be the result of thoroughly combining and mixing the individual increments.
7.2. Testing shall comply with the requirements of ASTM E534, unless otherwise specified.
7.3. Rapid methods of analysis may be used to perform quality control or approval testing when permitted by the purchaser and the variability of the source is known.
7.4. Two additional samples shall be taken and tested as described by Sections 7.1 and 7.2, in the event of an initial sample failure of the lot. If both additional samples meet the specification requirements, the lot shall be accepted.
7.5. Sampling Sodium chloride Brine:
7.5.1. A minimum of three samples shall be selected from each storage tank or truck to form a composite sample.
7.6. Testing the composite sample of brine shall be in accordance with ASTM D1429, Method D.
8.1. Sodium chloride that fails to conform to the requirements of this specification may be rejected. Sodium chloride that is not free-flowing, becomes caked, or is otherwise contaminated may also be rejected, whether it has been tested or not.
8.2. Sodium chloride brine containing clumps of solid sodium chloride that have not gone into solution or other solid contaminants may be rejected.AASHTO M 143-14 pdf download.

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