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AASHTO M 153-06 pdf free download

AASHTO M 153-06 pdf free download.Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction.
4.2. cork and Self Expanding cork—The joint filler shall consist of preformed strips that have been formed from clean granulated cork particles securely bound together by a synthetic resin of an insoluble nature.
4.3. Polyurethane-Bonded Recyc/ed Rubber—The joint filler shall consist of preformed strips of a durable composite of ground recycled rubber from automobile tires bonded together with a polyurethane adhesive.
4.4. Preformed strips of expansion joint fillers shall be of such character as not to be deformed or broken by ordinary handling when exposed to atmospheric conditions. Pieces of the joint filler that have been damaged shall be rejected.
5.1. Test Specimen—The sample to be tested shall be cut from the sheet as manufactured and shall be representative of the sheet stock.
5.2. Recovel3’—The test specimen shall be compressed to 50 percent of its thickness before the test. The load shall be released immediately after application. At the end of 10 mm after release of the application of the load, the specimen shall have recovered to at least 90 percent of its thickness before the test.
5.2.1. In case of failure to comply with the above requirements, the test specimen shall be given three applications of a load sufficient to compress the material to 50 percent of its thickness before the test. The load shall be released immediately after each application. At the end of I h after the third application, the specimen shall have recovered at least 90 percent of its thickness before the test.
5.3. coiipiessioii—The load required to compress the test specimen to 50 percent of its thickness before the test shall be not less than 340 nor greater than 10 350 kPa.
5.4. Extrusion—The test specimen shall be compressed to 50 percent of its thickness before the test with three of the edges restrained. The amount of extrusion of the free edge shall not exceed 6 mm.
5.5. Expansion—-In the case of self-expanding cork (Type III) expansion joint filler only, the test specimen, after being immersed in boiling water for 1 h, shall have a final thickness not less than 140 percent of the thickness before the test. Discoloration of the water shall not be considered an indication of failure.
5.6. Boiling iii Hydrochloric Acid—In the case of cork and self-expanding cork (Types II and III) expansion joint fillers only, the test specimen shall show no evidence of serious disintegration. Discoloration or a small amount of swelling shall not be considered as failure. The test specimens shall he examined immediately after the end of the boiling period and shall be rejected for any of the following evidences of disintegration: (1) particles of cork are dislodged during the boiling period (Note 2); (2) the specimen lacks resiliency, is very friable, and is easily broken to pieces; or (3) the surface of the specimen appears porous and particles of cork are easily dislodged by rubbing with fingers.
Note 2 —Particles of cork dislodged from edges cut during preparation of the specimen should not be considered as constituting failure under this requirement.AASHTO M 153-06 pdf download.

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