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AASHTO M 6-13 pdf free download

AASHTO M 6-13 pdf free download.Fine Aggregate for Hydraulic Cement Concrete.
5.2. The minimum percent shown above for material passing the 300-pm (No. 50) and 150-pm (No. 100) sieves may be reduced to 5 and 0. respectively, if the aggregate is to be used in air- entrained concrete containing more than 237 kilograms of cement per cubic meter (4(X) lbiyd) or in non-air-entrained concrete containing more than 297 kilograms of cement per cubic meter (500 Ib/yd3) or if an approved mineral admixture is used to supply the deficiency in percent passing these sieves. Air-entrained concrete is here considered to be concrete containing airentraining cement or an air-entraining agent and having an air content equal to or greater than 3.5 percent.
5.3. The tine aggregate shall have no more than 45 percent passing any sieve and retained on the next consecutive sieve of those shown in Section 5.1, and its fineness modulus shall be no less than 2.3 nor more than 3.1.
5.4. Fine aggregate failing to meet the sieve analysis and fineness modulus requirements of Sections 5.1, 5.2, or 5.3, may be accepted provided that concrete made with similar tine aggregate from the same source has an acceptable performance record in similar concrete construction; or, in the absence of a demonstrable service record, provided that it is demonstrated that concrete of the class specified, made with the fine aggregate under consideration, will have rekv ant properties at least equal to those of concrete made with the same ingredients with the exception that a reference tine aggregate be used that is selected from a source having an acceptable performance record in similar concrete construction.
Note 3—Fine aggregate that conforms to the grading requirements of a specification, prepared by another organ iiation such as a state transportation agency, which is in general use in the area. should be considered as having a satisfactory service record with regard to those concrete prupert)es afTected by grading.
Note 4 -Relevant properties are those properties of the concrete, which are important to the particular application being considered. STP I 69D pro ides a discussion of important concrete properties.
7.2. Organic Impurities:
7.2.1. Fine aggregate shall be free of injurious amounts of organic impurities. Lxcept as herein provided, aggregates subjected to the test for organic impurities and producing a color darker than the standard shall be rejected.
7.2.2. A fine aggregate failing in the test may be used, provided that the discoloration is due principally to the presence of small quantities of coal, lignite, or similar discrete particles.
7.2.3. A fine aggregate failing in the test may be used, provided that, when tested for the effect of organic impurities on strength of mortar, (he relative strength at 7 days calculated in accordance with T 71 is not less than 95 percent.
7.3. Fine aggregate used in concrete that will be subject to wetting. extended exposure to humid atmosphere, or contact with moist ground shall not contain any components that are known to be reactive with soluble alkalies from the concrete paste in an amount sufficient to cause deleterious expansion of mortar or concrete, without the accompanying use of some form of remediation in the concrete that is known to prevent deleterious expansion due to alkali-silica reactivity (ASR). Refer to the procedures described in PP 65 for identifying potentially deleteriously reactive aggregates and selecting appropriate preventive measures to minimize the risk of expansion when such aggregates are used in concrete.AASHTO M 6-13 pdf download.

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