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AASHTO M108-09 pdf free download

AASHTO M108-09 pdf free download.Wrought Copper-Alloy Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridge and Other Structural Use.
9. Mechanical Property Requirements
9.1 Product in final form shall conform to the requirements of Table 3.
9.1 . I Product in plate form less than ¾ in. (20 mm) in thickness and product in sheet form shall conform to the tensile requirements when tested in accordance with Test Method E 8.
9. 1 .2 Product in plate form ¾ in. (20 mm) or over in thickness shall conform to either tensile or compression requirements when tested in accordance with Test Method E 8 or Test Method E 9 respectively. In case of dispute, Test Method E 8 shall govern.
9.1.3 The properties of product over 18 in. (460 mm) in width and over ¾ in. (20 mm) in thickness shall he subject to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
10. Purchases for U.S. (;ernment Agencies
10.1 When identified in the contract or purchase order, product purchased for agencies of the U.S. government shall conform to the requirements stipulated in the Supplemental Requirements section of Specification B 248.
11. Dimensions, Mass and Permissible ar.ations
11.1 For the UOSC of determining conformance with the dimensional requirements prescribed in this specification, any measured value outside the specified limiting values for any dimensions may be cause for rejection.
11.2 The thickness of the plates and sheets may be specified by weight per square foot (metre) or in common or decimal fractions of an inch (millimetre). The plaes and sheets shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table I as to tolerances in weight and thickness.
12. Sampling
12.1 Other Tests:
12.1.1 Samples used for the preparation of tensile test specimen shall be taken so that the longitudinal axis of such specimen is parallel to the direction of rolling.
13. Number of Tests and Retests
13.1 Tests:
13.1 . I Chemical Analysis—Chemical composition shall be determined as the average of at least two replicate determinations of each specified element.
13. 1 .2 Other Tests—Tensile, compression and hardness test results shall be reported as the average of results obtained from at least two sample portions selected and each specimen must meet the requirements of this specification.
13.2 Retests:
13.2. 1 When requested by the manufacturer or supplier, a retest shall he permitted should test results obtained by the purchaser fail to conform with specification requirements.
13.2.2 Retesting shall be as directed in the product specification for the initial test(s), except that the number of test specimens shall be twice that normally required for the test.
13.2.3 Test results for all specimens shall conform to the product specification requirements in retest and failure to conform shall be cause for lot rejection.
14. Specimen Preparation
14.1 ‘he,nical Coinposition:
14.1.1 Preparation of the test specimen for chemical analysis shall be the responsibility of the reporting laboratory.
14.1.2 In case of dispute, the sample preparation shall be in accordance with Practice E 255.
14.2 Tensile:
14.2.1 The test specimens shall he prepared in accordance with Test Method E 8, Figs. 7 or 8. The longitudinal axis of the specimen shall he parallel to the direction of rolling. Although a considerable range of testing speed in permitted, the rate of stressing to yield strength should not exceed 100 ksi/min (690 MPaJn1in). Above the yield strength. the movement per minute of the testing machine head under load should not exceed 0.5 in./in. (0.5 mrnlmm) of gage length (or distance between grips for full section specimens). Elongation shall be determined as specified in the first two subsections of the section “Elongation” of Test Method E 8.
15.2.2 Yield strength for compression requirements shall be determined by successive application and releases of the load until 0.1 % offset is determined.AASHTO M108-09  pdf download.

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