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AASHTO M144-14 pdf free download

AASHTO M144-14 pdf free download.Calcium Chloride.
4.1 .4. Special requirements (including packaging size, marking requirements, and special shipping instructions), if required; and
4.1.5. Testing and certification, if required.
5.1. The chemical composition for the calcium chloride ordered shall comply with the requirements of
5.2. A current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is required for the calcium chloride ordered and, as appropriate, the current MSDS for any anticaking agents or other additives used is also required.
5.3. Calcium chloride brine shall be at a solution concentration of 30 percent CaC12 by weight. Note 1—Agencies may allow a variation of the required concentration when considering expected minimum roadway temperatures and performance needs based on the phase diagram shown in Figure Xl.1.
6.1. Solid forms of calcium chloride shall comply with the grading in ASTM D98 for the grade and class ordered.
6.2. Anticaking agents may be specified to prevent stockpiles from crusting over or forming clumps of product.
6.3. Brine:
6.3.1. Calcium chloride brine shall be delivered at a solution concentration of 30 percent CaCI2 by weight with a specific gravity of 1.295 when tested in accordance with ASTM D1429, Method D.
Note 2—Agencies may allow a variation of the required concentration when considering expected minimum roadway temperatures and performance needs based on the phase diagram shown in Figure Xl.l.
7.1. Sampling shall comply with the requirements of T 143, when required.
7.2. Testing shall comply with the requirements of T 143, when required.
7.3. When sampling and testing are performed after delivery, a tolerance of 1 percent below the minimum chemical content of calcium chloride is acceptable when sampled and tested in accordance with T 143, when the packaging is not damaged, and when the material has not become caked or otherwise contaminated.
7.4. Sampling calcium chloride Brine:
7.4.1. A minimum of three samples shall be selected from each storage tank or truck to form a composite sample.
7.4.2. The composite sample of brine shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D1429, Method D.
Calcium chloride that fails to conform to the requirements of this specification may be rejected.
8.2. Calcium chloride that has become caked, sticky, or otherwise contaminated during shipment may also be rejected, whether it has been tested or not.
8.3. Calcium chloride brine containing undissolved clumps of solid calcium chloride or other solid contaminants may be rejected.
9.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a supplier’s certification shall be furnished stating that representative samples have been inspected and tested in accordance with this specification and have been found to meet the requirements of the material described in the order. When specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the test results shall be furnished.
10.1. Both solid and liquid forms of calcium chloride shall be packaged and transported in such a manner that they are protected from moisture and contamination.
10.2. Each container or package of c’alcium chloride shall he identifIed by the/b/lowing, unless otherwise specified in the purchase order or contract:
10.2.1. Manufacturer’s name,
10.2.2. Product name,
10.2.3. Net weight, and
10.2.4. Percentage of calcium chloride guaranteed.
10.3. Calcium chloride brine shall include the identification in Section 10.2 for the product prior to it being mixed into brine.AASHTO M144-14 pdf download.

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