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AASHTO M173-01 pdf free download

AASHTO M173-01 pdf free download.Concrete Joint-Sealer, Hot-Poured Elastic Type.
5. Sampling and Hatig 5.1 Sampling 5.1.1 Samples may be taken at tbe plaot or warehouse prior to delivery or at the time of delivery, at the option of the purchaser. If sampling is done prior to shipment the inspector representing tbe purchaser shall have free acoess to the material to be sampled. Tbe inspector shall be afforded all reasonable fa clities for inspection and sampling which shall be conducted so鹞not to interfere uoDecessarily with the operation of the works. 5.1.2 Samples shall consist of one of tbe manufacturer’s original sealed containers selected at random from the lot or batch of finisbed material. A batcb or lot shall be considered 8s all finisbed material that Was manufactured simulta- neously or continuously as a unit betwecn the time of compounding and the time of packaging or placing in shipping cootainets. 5.1.3 Obtain the sealant portioo for testing from the sclected manufacturer’s original secaled container in accor- dance with Practice D 5167. The sample portion addod to and heateod io the mclter shall weigh 800土50 g.
5.2 Heating- -Heat tbe material in accordance with Prac tice D 5167. 5.2.1 Tbe oil bath in the meter shall be beated to a temperature betweea tbe scalant’s safe beating temperature and 75*F (41.7*C) above the sealant’s safe beating tempera- ture. (Never allow the oil temperature to excood 550″F (288″C). Add the sealant to the melter according to the instructions in Practice D5167. After tbe saople has been added to the melter, regulate the oil temperature within the above listed temperature limits while maising the scalaot’s emperature t切tbe manufacturer’s rocommended pouring temperature within the required I b of time, 8s stated in Practice D 5167. Pour samples for testing immediately after reaching the recommended pouring teoperature.
6. Test Methods 6.1 Specimen Curing- Cure all specimens at standard laboratory conditions for 24士4 h as specified in Test Methods D 5329 prior to beginning any testing 6.2 Cone Penetralion, Non-immersed- -Use Test Method D 5329 for cone penetration, non-immersed. 6.3 Flow- -Use Test Method D 5329 for flow. 6.3.1 Test the specimen at 140士2F(60士l’C)for5 h. 6.4 Bond, Non-immersed- Use Test Method D 5329 for bond, non-immersed. 6.4.1 Prepare six 1 by 2 by 3 in. concrete blocks according to Practice D 1985. 6.4.2 After final scrubbing and blotting specified in Test Methods D 5329, air dry the blocks standing on their I by 2 in. ends at standard laboratory conditions for 24土2 b. There shall be no free moisture on any of the block surfaces when bond specimens are prepared. If necessary, blotting may be done with an oil-free, clean, soft absorbent cloth or paper. 6.4.3 Immediately after conditioning assemble the blocks with spacers specified in Test Methods D 5329 so the opening between the blocks forms a cured sealant block which is 1 .000士0.005 in. wide. 6.4.4 After cnditioning, trim off the excess material and condition the specimens at0土2F(- 17.8 土1*C) for not less than 4 b, then immediately extend / in. at 0.125 in./b. This results in a 50 % extension. 6.4.5 Recompress and re extend for four additional cyclcs for 2 total of fve cycles as dcscribed in Test Methods D 5329. The five roquired cycles shall be completed within a 7 day period. 7. Packnging aod Marking 7.1 The sealing compound shall be delivered in the manufacturer’s original contaipers. Eacb cootainer sball be legibly marked with the oame of the manufacturer, the trade name of the scalant, the manufacturer’s batch number or lot, the pouring temperature, and tbe safe beating temperature. AASHTO M173-01  pdf download.

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