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AASHTO M190-04 pdf free download

AASHTO M190-04 pdf free download.Bituminous-Coated Corrugated Metal Culvert Pipe and Pipe-Arches.
3.2.1. Type A—The pipe shall be uniformly coated, inside and outside, to a minimum thickness of
1 .3 mm measured on the crest of the corrugations or, in the case of Type I A pipe, over the inner surface of the pipe. This coating is also used for Type 1 A pipe.
3.2.2. Tpe B—The pipe shall be uniformly coated for approximately one-half the circumference of the pipe (bottom of the pipe installed), inside and outside to a minimum thickness of 1.3 mm and, in addition, the bituminous material shall be applied in such a manner that one or more smooth pavements will be formed in the invert (inside bottom of the pipe when installed), filling the corrugations for at least 25 percent of the circumference of a pipe and 40 percent of the circumference of a pipe-arch. The pavement shall have a minimum thickness of 3.2 mm above the crest of the corrugations, except where the upper edges intersect the corrugations.
3.2.3. Type c—The pipe shall be fully coated as required for Type A and, in addition, a smooth pavement shall be provided as required for Type B.
3.2.4. Type D—The pipe shall be fully coated as required for Type A and, in addition, a smooth lining of asphalt shall be centrifugally spun inside the pipe. The lining shall have a minimum thickness of 3.2 mm above the crest of the corrugations.
4.2. Shock Test—The bitumen shall be considered acceptable if not more than one of four test specimens shows a crack. If it is difficult to determine visually whether a specimen has cracked, the specimen should be removed from the test apparatus and subjected to a slight bending.
4.3. Flow Tests—The bitumen shall be considered acceptable if the flow does not exceed 6.4 mm on either of the two test specimens.
5.1. Tank Temperature—The asphalt temperature in the tank shall be maintained between 200 and
210°C during the coating operation.
5.2. Tank Cleanliness:
5.2.1. The asphalt in the tank shall be kept free of contaminants such as dirt, drum paper, and asphalt drippings from the shop floor.
5.2.2. The asphalt tank shall be cleaned as necessary with a minimum frequency of once per year.
5.2.3. The foam that results from the inadvertent introduction of moisture to the tank shall be skimmed off or moved to the side of the tank before inserting or extracting the product.
6.1. Coating Application—Apply the asphalt coating by inserting the product into the bath twice; the first application results in a thin coating to achieve good adherence, and the second achieves the coating thickness required in Section 3.2.
6.1.1. Steel surfaces shall be free of dirt. grease, dust, and moisture before placement in the asphalt bath. The product shall be prepared immediately prior to the coating operation.
6.1 .2. Rotate any large structures in the tank to ensure that all surfaces are coated.
6.1.3. The product must remain in the tank until it achieves a minimum temperature of 190°C. The specific time requirements will depend on factors unique to each operation and the product being coated. The time to reach the required temperature is dependent on the initial temperature of the product, the steel thickness, the size of the product, and the volume of the tank.AASHTO M190-04 pdf download.

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