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AASHTO M213 pdf free download

AASHTO M213 pdf free download.Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types).
4.1 .2. Strips formed from clean granulated cork securely hound together by a suitable asphalt hinder and encased between two layers of saturated felt or two layers of glass-fiber felt; or
4.1.3. Strips of a durable composite of ground recycled rubber from automobile tires bonded together with a polyurethane adhesive.
4.2. Preformed strips of expansion joint Filler shall be of such character as not to he deformed or broken by twisting. bending, or other ordinary handling when exposed to atmospheric conditions.
5.1. Test Specimen—The sample to he tested shall he cut from the sheet, as manufactured, and shall he representative of the sheet stock.
5.2. compression—The load required to compress the test specimen to 50 percent of its thickness before test shall be not less than 690 kPa and not more than 5200 kPa. If the nominal thickness of the specimen is less than 13 mm, a maximum load of 8600 kPa will be permitted. The sample after compression shall not show a loss of more than 3 percent of its original mass.
5.3. Ettrusion—The test specimen shall be compressed to 50 percent of its thickness before the test with three of its edges restrained. The amount of extrusion of the free edge shall not exceed 6 mm.
5.4. Recovery—The test specimen shall be compressed to 50 percent of its thickness before the test.
The load shall be released immediately after application. At the end of the 10 minutes after release of application of the load, the specimen shall have recovered to at least 70 percent of its thickness beibre the test.
5.4.1. In case of failure to comply with the above requirements, the test specimen shall be given three applications of a load sufficient to compress the material to 50 percent of its thickness before the test. The load shall he released immediately after each application. At the end of I hour after the third application, the specimen shall have recovered to at least 70 percent of its thickness before the test.
5.5. Density—For fiber joint only, oven dry the specimen at 104 ± 3°C for 2 hours or to a Constant weight. After oven drying, cool the specimen to room temperature in a covered desiccator and weigh to the nearest 0. i g. The density of air-dried tiller material shall not be less than 304 kg/mi. The density of oven-dried fiber tiller shall not be less than 288 kg/in
5.6. Water Absorption—A standard expansion joint filler test specimen with four square cut edges, when submerged horizontally under 25 mm of water at 21 ± 3°C, shall absorb not more than 15 percent by volume in 24 hours for nominal thickness of 13 mm and over, and 20 percent by volume for all other thicknesses.
5.7. Asphalt content—For materials manufactured as described in Sections 4. 1. 1 and 4. 1.2, at least
35 percent by mass of the Finished product shall be asphalt uniformly distributed throughout the cross-section of the material.
7.1. Size of S(I1p!(’s—Each sample shall consist of sufficient material to provide at least five test specimens measuring 114 by 114 mm. One representative sample, approximately 200 mm2, shall he selected from each shipment of 1(X) m2 or fraction thereof.
7.2. Individual samples are to he taken from separate sheets of preformed expansion joint filler.
7.3. Samples shall he packaged for transportation in such a manner that there will he no danger of distortion or breakage.AASHTO M213 pdf download.

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