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AASHTO M247-13 pdf free download

AASHTO M247-13 pdf free download.GlassI BeadsI Used in Pavement Markings.
1.1. This specification covers glass beads to be dropped or sprayed upon pavement markings so as to produce a rctlcctorizcd pavement marking.
1.2. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.
1 .3. This standard may involve hazardous pnateria!s, operations. and equipment. This standard does
1101 puiporl to address all of the sqfrtv concerns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to consult and establish appropriate saftv and health practices and determine the appliccthilitv of regulatO?T limitatioizs prior to use
2.1. AASHTO Standards:
• T 346, Glass Heads Used in Pavement Markings
• TP 106, Determination of Heavy Metal Content of Glass Beads Using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
2.2. En vironni cii to! Prc#ection Ageiicv Standards:
• Method 3052, Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion of Siliceous and Organically
Based Matrices
• Method 60 lOB. lnorganics by ICP -Atomic Emission Spcctroscopy
• Method 601 OC, Inorganics by ICP—Atornic Emission Spectroscopy
2.3. Federal Standard:
• Federal Standard No. 40, CFR 261.24, Table 1, Maximum Concentration of Contaminants for the Toxicity Characteristic
3.1. Tipes:
3.1.1. Type 0 shall be known as a uniform gradation.
3.1.2. Type I shall be known as a standard gradation.
3.1.3. 7pes 2, 3, 4, and 5— shall be known as modified gradations.
3.2. Coatings:
3.2.1. Flotation—Any of the above gradation types may be obtained with oleophobic properties at the request of the purchaser (Note 1).
3.2.2. Moisture Resistance—Any of the above types may be obtained with hydrophobic properties if so specilied by the purchaser.
3.2.3. Adherence—Any of the above types may be obtained with an adhesion coating if so specified by the purchaser.
Note I Any of the above types of beads may be specified with a combination of two of the above coatings. Dual coated beads must test positive for the presence of both specified properties.
3.3. The beads shall be transparent, clean, colorless glass. smooth and spherically shaped, free from milkiness, pits, or excessive air bubbles and conform to the following specific requirements.
3.4. The glass beads shall contain no more than 200 ppm (mg/kg) total concentration of lead or arsenic when tested in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency testing methods 3052, 60 lOB, or6OlOC’.
Note 2 —End user may consider the use of alternate methods such as TP 106 if not a Federal Aid Job.
4.1. Gradation—The beads shall meet the gradation requirements for type as given in Table 1.
4.2. Roundness- The glass beads shall have a minimum of 70 percent true spheres.
4.3. Refractive Index- -The glass beads shall have a refractive index of1.50 – -1.55.
4.4. Coatings: Flotation, Flow, Moisture Resistance, and Adherence- When tested in accordance with Sections 8 through 14 ofT 346, the presence of the purchaser-specified coatings shall be unambiguous. Beads shall flow properly when tested in accordance with the procedure in Section 8 of T 346 unless specified to be moisture resistant, in which case the beads shall flow properly when tested in accordance with the procedure in Section 9 of T 346.
4.5. The beads shall be dry and free of lumps and clusters.
5.1. Glass beads shall be furnished in kilogram (pound) lots as specilied by the purchaser and packaged in moisture-proofed bags. Containers are to be guaranteed to furnish dry and undamaged beads. Each package shall contain the following information: name and address of manufacturer, shipping point, trademark or name, the wording “glass beads,” the specification number, number of kilograms (pounds), the lot or batch number and the month and year of manufacture.
6.1. The material shall be tested in accordance with T 346.AASHTO M247-13  pdf download.

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