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AASHTO M253-05 pdf free download

AASHTO M253-05 pdf free download.Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat-Treated, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength.
4. Materials and Manufacture
4.1 heat Th’atinent—Type 1 and Type 3 bolts shall be heat treated by quenching in oil from the austcnitic temperature and then tempered by reheating to a temperature of not less than
4.2 Threading:
The threads shall be cut or rolled.
4.3 Protective coatings—The bolts shall not be coated by hot-dip zinc coating. mechanical deposition, or electroplating with zinc or other metallic coatings (Note 2).
NOTE. 2—For more detail see the H. E. Townsend Report ‘Effects of Zinc Coatings on StreM Corrosion Cracking and Ilydmgcn Fmhrittlement of Lo Al1I.)y Steel,” published in Metallurgical Transactions, Vol. 6, Api ii 1975.
5. (‘hemical Composition
5.1 Type I bolts shall be alloy steel conforming to the chemical composition specified in Table 1. The steel shall contain sufficient alloying elements to qualify it as an alloy steel (see Note 3).
No., 3—Steel is wnsidcred to be allo by Ow Aincrican Iron and Steel lnIitutc when the maximum of the range given for the contcnt of alloying elements exceeds one or more of the following limits: manganese. 1.65 %:
silicon. 0.60 %; copper, 0.60 %; or in which a definite range or a definite minimum quantity of any of the following elementc is specified or required within the lintits of the recognized field of constructional alloy steels: aluminum, chromium up to 3.99 %, cobak, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, titanium, tungstcn, vanadium, zircon.hnn, or any othcr alloying elements added to obtain a desired alloying effect.
5.2 Type 3 bolts shall be weathering steel conforming to the chemical composition requirements in Table 2. See Guide C1 101 for methods of estimating the atmospheric corrosion resistance of’ low alloy steel.
5.3 Product analyses made on finished bolts representing each lot shall conform to the product analysis requirements specified in Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable.
5.4 Heats of steel to which bismuth, selenium, tellurium, or lead has been intentionally added shall not be used for bolts furnished to this specification. Compliance with this requirement shall be based on certification that steels having these elements intentionally added were not used.
5.5 Chemical analyses shall be performed in accordance with Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology A 751.
10.2 Inspection Procedure: 10.2.1 The inspection sample shall be selected at random from each lot in accordance with Table 6 and examined for longitudinal discontimuities and transverse cracks. 10.2.2 Magnetic particle inspection shall be conducted in accordancc with Guidc E 709 or Practicc E 1444. Guidc E 709 shall be used for referee purposes. If any nonconforming bolt is found during the manufacturer’s examination of the lot selected in 10.2.1, the lot shall be 100 % magnetic particle inspected, and all nonconforming bolts shall be removed and scrappecd or dcstroycd. 10.2.3 Eddy current or liquid penetrant inspection shall be an acceptable substitute for the 100 % magnetic particle inspection when nonconforming bolts are found and 100 % inspection is required. On completion of the eddy current or liquid penetrant inspection, a random sample selected from each lot in accordance with Table 5 shall be re-examined by the magnetic particle method. In case of controversy, the magnetic particle test shall take precedence. 10.2.4 Magnetic particle indications of themselves shall not be cause for rejection. If in the opinion of the quality assurance representative the indications may be cause for rejection, a sample taken in accordance with Table 5 shall be examined by microscopic examination or removal by surface grinding to determine if the indicated discontinuities are within the specified limits.AASHTO M253-05  pdf download.

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