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AASHTO M262-11 pdf free download

AASHTO M262-11 pdf free download.Concrete| Pipe and RelatedI Products.
1.17. concrete—a homogeneous mixture of portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water. The mixture may also contain admixtures or other cementitious materials or both.
1.18. convoluted steel—a sinusoidal wave wire typically attached on one end of a wire cage. The sinusoidal wave wire permits one end of the wire cage to be expanded, accommodating the increased size required for the bell.
1.19. core—a cylinder of concrete obtained from concrete by means of a core drill.
1.20. crown—the top or highest point of the internal surface of the transverse cross section of a pipe.
1 .21. culvert—a pipeline intended to convey water under a highway, railroad, canal, or similar facility.
1 .22. cylinder (test,—a cast cylindrical specimen of concrete.
1.23. designated size—the dimensional name for a particular size that may or may not be equal to or related to the dimensions used for design purposes or dimensions of the manufactured product.
1.24. design strength—the minimum acceptable 0.3-mm (0.01-in.) crack D-load.
1.25. D-load—-the supporting strength of a pipe loaded under three-edge-bearing test conditions expressed in newtons per linear meter per millimeter of inside diameter or horizontal span (pounds per linear foot per foot of inside diameter or horizontal span).
1.26. D-load, 0.3-inn, (0.0)-in.) crack—the maximum three-edge-bearing test load supported by a concrete pipe before a crack having a width of 0.3 mm (0.01 in.) occurs, measured at close intervals, throughout a continuous length of 300 mm (1 ft) or more measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of pipe barrel expressed as D-load.
1 .27. D-load ultimate (D)—the maximum three-edge-bearing test load supported by a pipe, expressed as D-load.
1 .28. distrihu!io,, rejn/brcensc’nt—reinforcernent, typically running 90 degrees to the main or circumferential reinforcement, intended to disperse concentrated loads to larger areas of a structural member.
1 .29. drain tile—pipe for collecting and conveying surface and subsurface water from an area.
1.30. elliptical rei,ifbrcement—a line of reinforcement in the approximate shape of an ellipse.
1.31. exfiltration—the volume of pipeline flow leaving a sewer and its connections into the soil from pipe, joints, connections, and appurtenances.
1.32. external load-crushing strength test—a test of the pipe in which external crushing forces arc exerted in specified directions and locations on a specified length of pipe.
1.33. external sealing bands—flexible wrappings that are applied to the outside of a concrete pipe, box section, or manhole section joint intended to control the movement of fluids or solids through the joint.
1.34. female end of pipe (bell, socket, groove, modified groove,)— ihat portion of the end of the pipe,
regardless of its shape or dimensions, that overlaps a portion of the end of the adjoining pipe.
1.41. hydrostatic test—a test of the ability of a pipe or its joint to withstand internal hydrostatic pressure.
1 .42. iiifIltration—the volume of groundwater entering a sewer and its connections from the soil through pipe, joints, connections, or appurtenances.
1.43. inflow—the volume of any kind of water entering a sewer and its connections from outside sources, not including those sources described under “infiltration.”
1.44. installed length—final length, along the centerline, of a pipe or box section in place, including the longitudinal joint separation between the section and the last section placed.
1.45. invert—the bottom or lowest point of the internal surface of the transverse cross section of a pipe.
1.46. irrigation pipe—pipe intended for the distribution of irrigation water by pumping or gravity.
1.47. joint—a connection of two pipe, manhole, or box section ends, made either with or without the use of additional parts or materials, or both.AASHTO M262-11 pdf download.

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