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AASHTO M280-20 pdf free download

AASHTO M280-20 pdf free download.Metallic-Coated (Carbon) Steell Barbed Wire.
6.1. Base Metal—The base metal of the steel strand wires and steel barbs shall be of a good commercial-quality carbon steel, capable of meeting the breaking strength requirement in Section 7.6. The base metal for aluminum barbs (permitted with metallic Coating Type A) shall be aluminum alloy wire conforming to Alloy 5000-H38, Alloy 606 l-T94, or equal.
6.1.1. For Coating Type A barbed wire, the choice of whether aluminum-coated steel wire or aluminum alloy wire for the barbs shall be that of the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. If aluminum alloy wire is used, the particular alloy shall be agreed on by the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time the order is placed.
6.2. Coaiitig Materials—The coating on the wire shall conform to the requirements of the following specifications:
6.2.1. coating Type A—Aluminum-coated wire in accordance with ASTM A809.
6.2.2. Coating Type Z—Zinc-coated wire in accordance with ASTM A64l/A641M.
6.2.3. Coating Type ZA—Zinc-5 percent aluminum-mischmetal alloy (Zn-5Al-MM) coated wire in accordance with ASTM A856/A856M.
6.3. Coated Wire—The steel wire shall be coated before fabrication.
6.3.1. Weight of (‘outing Requirements Jbr Strand Wires—The strand wires for Types Z and ZA barbed wire, as represented by the test specimens, shall conform to the requirements of Tables 2 and 3, respectively, for the minimum coating weight for the type and class ordered. The strand wire for Type A barbed wire, as represented by the test specimens, shall have a minimum coating weight of 0.30 oz/ft2 (90 g/m2) on the 12’/2-gauge wire.
6.3.2. Weight of coating Requirements jr Barbs—The wire for barbs for Types Z and ZA barbed wire, as represented by the test specimens, shall conform to the same coating class requirements as the strand wire. The steel wire for barbs for Type A barbed wire, as represented by the test specimens, shall have a minimum coating weight of 0.25 oz/ft2 (75 g/m2) on the 14-gauge wire.
Sampling—For the purpose of tests, select one spool at random from every 50 spools or fraction thereof in a lot, or a total of seven samples, whichever is less. A lot shall consist of all the spools of a single construction (Design Number) of barbed wire offered for delivery at the same time.
9.2. Test Specimens/or Physical Tests—Cut a 4-ft (1 .2-rn) length of barbed wire from the end of each spool for the tests prescribed in Sections 6 and 7. Determine the breaking strength value by testing the twisted strand as a composite. Test each strand wire individually for weight of coating.
9.3. Testing Jbr Weight of (‘outing—Coating weight for Types Z and ZA shall be determined in accordance with ASTM A9OIA9OM. Coating weight for Type A shall be determined in accordance with ASTM A428/A428M. Perform testing either before or after fabrication for the strand wires and for Type A steel barbs. Perform testing prior to fabrication for Type Z and ZA barbs and certify the test results.
9.4. Pretesting of Wire—Instead of testing wire for breaking strength and weight of coating from the completed barbed wire in accordance with Section 9.2, the manufacturer, at his election, shall establish compliance with the requirements in Sections 6 and 7, by tests made on wire prior to fabrication. If the manufacturer makes this election, the purchaser still has the right to test wire from the completed barbed wire for compliance. It is recognized that during fabrication, the barb is mechanically deformed and scraped, and some differences are likely in coating weight results on barbs tested before and after fabrication.
9.5. hispectionJör General Workmanship—For the purpose of inspection. a maximum of two spools from the lot, as described in Section 9.1, shall be subjected to observations for barb length and spacing, overall length, and workmanship.
9.5.1. Instead of inspecting for length by unrolling full spools, the purchaser and manufacturer have the option of agreeing on a weight per spool related to wire size or measuring tools employed during manufacturing. The purchaser still reserves the right to confirm length by actual measurement.AASHTO M280-20 pdf download.

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