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AASHTO M315M-09 pdf free download

AASHTO M315M-09 pdf free download.Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric].
7.1.1 The joint design shall consist of a bell or groove on one end of a unit of pipe, and a spigot or tongue on the adjacent end of the joining pipe.
7.1.2 All surfaces of the joint upon or against which the gasket is capable of bearing shall be smooth, free of spalls, cracks or fractures, and imperfections that would adversely affect the performance of the joint.
7.1.3 The joints of the pipe shall be of such design that they will withstand the forces caused by the compression of the gasket when joined, without cracking or fracturing when tested in accordance with Section 9.
7.1.4 The angle of taper on the conic surfaces of the inside of the bell or groove and the outer surface of the spigot or tongue where the gasket seats shall be not more than 3.5° measured from the pipe axis, except that tapers up to 5° are not prohibited if proven adequate by plant tests as specified in Section 9 and approved by the owner. The conic surface on the spigot or tongue shall be modified to properly contain and seat the gasket.
7.1.5 The annular space between the gasket-bearing surfaces of the assembled and centered joint shall be not more than 75 % of the uncompressed thickness of the applied gasket including the manufacturer’s tolerances of the joint and gasket. The joint design shall provide for the deflection of a pipe unit by opening one side of the outside perimeter of the joint 13 mm wider than the assembled position without reducing its water- tightness. Where greater deflections are required than provided by the joint design, beveled joints or elbows must be provided.
7.1.6 The gasket shall be the sole element depended upon to make the joint flexible and watertight. The gasket shall be a continuous ring which fits snugly into the annular space between the overlapping surfaces of the assembled pipe joint to form a ilexible watertight seal.
7.1.7 The gasket shall not be stretched more than 30 % of its original circumference when seated on the spigot or tongue end of the pipe.
7.1.8 Where the particular design utilizing a rubber gasket dictates the use of a lubricant to facilitate assembly, the lubricant composition shall have no detrimental effect on the performance of the gasket and joint due to prolonged exposure.
Nom 2—Joints in an assembled position are defined as joints in the position after assembly in accordance with the manufacturer’s design.
7.2 Alternative Joint Designs—When agreed upon by the owner, manufacturers are not prohibited from submitting to the owner detailed designs for joints and gaskets other than those described in Section 7. Design submissions shall include joint geometry, tolerances, gasket characteristics, proposed plant tests, gasket splice bend tests, and such other information as required by the owner to evaluate the joint design for field performance. Joints and gaskets of alternative joint designs shall at least meet all test requirements of this specification if permitted by the owner. Alternative joint designs shall be acceptable provided the designs are approved by the owner prior to manufacture and provided the test pipe comply with the specified tests.AASHTO M315M-09 pdf download.

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