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AASHTO M80-13 pdf free download

AASHTO M80-13 pdf free download.Coarse Aggregate for Hydraulic Cement Concrete.
3.1.1. Reference to this specification. M 80, and year of issue;
3.1.2. Grading to be furnished (Size No.) (Section 5.1):
3.1.3. Class designation of aggregate (Section 6.1 and Table 2);
3.1.4. In the case of the sulfate soundness test (Table 2), which salt is to he used. linone is stated. either salt may be used;
3.1.5. If additional requirements are necessary for addressing reactive materials (Section 6.2): and
3.1.6. Any exceptions or additions to this specification.
4.1. Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, crushed stone, crushed air-cooled blast- furnace slag, or crushed concrete, or a combination thereof, conforming to the requirements of this specification.
5.1. Coarse aggregates shall conform to the requirements prescribed in M 43 for the size number specified.
Note 3—The ranges shown in M 43 are by necessity very wide in order to accommodate nationwide conditions. For quality control of any specific operation, a producer should develop an average gradation for the particular source and production facilities, and control the gradation within reasonable tolerances from this average. Where coarse aggregate sizes numbers 357 or 467 are used, the aggregate should be furnished in at least two separate sizes.
6.1. Coarse aggregates shall conform to the limits given in Table 2 for the class specified, except as provided in Section 6.3 (see also Notes 4 and 5).
Note 4 —Aggregate conforming to the requirements for the various classes should generally be suitable for the following uses as shown in Table I.
Note 5—The purchaser or specifier, due to his or her knowledge of the requirements for concrete aggregates for specific uses in specific areas, may wish to supplement the requirements of Table 2 by placing limits on the amount of local deleterious substances permitted.
6.2. Coarse aggregate for use in concrete that will be subject to wetting, extended exposure to humid atmosphere. or contact with moist ground shall not contain any materials that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalies in thc cement in an amount sufficient to cause excessive expansion of mortar or concrete, except that if such materials arc present in injurious amounts, the coarse aggregate may be used with the addition of a material that has been shown to prevent harmful expansion due to the alkali-aggregate reaction. Refer to the procedures described in PP 65 for identifying potentially deleteriously reactive aggregates and selecting appropriate preventive measures to minimize the risk of expansion when such aggregates are used in concrete.
6.3. Coarse aggregate having test results exceeding the limits specified in Table 2 may be accepted provided that concrete made with similar aggregate from the same source has given satisfactory service when exposed in a similar manner to that to be encountered, or, in the absence of a demonstrable service record—provided that the aggregate produces concrete having satisfactory relcvant properties when tested in the laboratory.
Note 6– Relevant properties are those properties of the concrete that are important to the particular application being considered. ASTM Special Technical Publication 169D provides a discussion of important concrete properties.
7.1. Sample and test the aggregates in accordance with the following methods of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, except as otherwise provided in this specification. Make the required tests on test samples that comply with requirements of the designated test methods. The same test sample may be used for sieve analysis and for determination of material liner than the 75-pm (No. 200) sieve. Separated sizes from the sieve analysis may be used in preparation of samples for soundness or abrasion tests. For determination of all other tests and for evaluation of potential alkali reactivity where required. use independent test samples.AASHTO M80-13 pdf download.

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