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AASHTO MP 25-18 pdf free download

AASHTO MP 25-18 pdf free download.Performance-Graded Hot-Poured Asphalt Crack Sealant.
3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1. Definition: 3.1.1. hot-poured asphalt crack sealant- polymer or rubber modified asphalt material most often formulated with mineral fller, used in pavement cracks and joints. Note 1- Based on the references, hot-poured asphalt crack sealant is typically applied at a temperature of 160°C or above. 4. ORDERING INFORMATION 4.1. When ordering under this specification, include in the purchase order the sealant grade (SG) designation of the hot-poured asphalt crack sealant required (e.g., (1) MP 25, SG 52-16, or (2) MP 25, SG 64-34). 5. MATERIAL .S AND MANUFACTURE 5.1. Asphalt binder of the hot-poured asphalt crack sealant shall be prepared by the refining of crude petroleum by suitable methods, with or without the addition of modifiers. 5.2. Modifiers may be any organic material of suitable manufacture that is used in virgin or recycled condition and that is dissolved, dispersed, or reacted in asphalt binder to enhance its performance. 5.3. The asphalt binder shall be homogeneous, free from water and deleterious materials, and shall not foam when heated to 1 75°C. 5.4. The grade of hot-poured asphalt crack sealant shall conform to the requirements given in Table 1.
6. SAMPLING 6.1. The hot-poured asphalt crack sealant material shall be sampled in accordance with R 66. 7. TEST METHODS 7.1. The properties outlined in Sections 5.3 and 5.4 shall be determined in accordance with T 366, T 367, T 368, T 369, T 370, T 371, TP 126, and ASTM D5167. INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION 8.1. Inspection and certification of the material shall be agreed on between the purchaser and the seller. Specific requirements shall be made part of the purchase contract. The seller shall provide material handling and storage procedures to the purchaser for each hot-poured asphalt crack sealant grade certified.
9.1. If the results of any test do not conform to the requirements of this specification, retesting to determine conformity is performed as indicated in the purchase order or as otherwise agreed on between the purchaser and the seller.
10.1. Aging; asphalt binder: direct tension; hot-poured asphalt crack sealant; modifier; performance specifications; rheology.
11.1. Al-Qadi, 1. L., E. H. Fini, H. D. Figueroa, J. F. Masson, and K. K. McGhee. Adhesion Testing Procedure for Hot-Poured Crack Sealants, Final Report. No. ICT-08-026. Illinois Center for Transportation, Rantoul, IL, December 2008. https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstrearn/handle/2 I 42/45986/ICT-08-026.pdf?sequence=2.
11 .2. Al-Qadi, I. L., E. H. Fini, K. K. McGhee, and M. A. Elseifi. Development ofApparent Viscosity Test Jbr Hot-Poured crack Sea/ants, Final Report. No. ICT-08-027. Illinois Center for Transportation, Rantoul, IL, December 2008(b).
https://www. ideals.illinois.edu/bitstreamlhandle/2 1 42/45987/ICT-08-02 7.pdf?sequence=2.
11 .3. Al-Qadi, I. L., J. F. Masson, A. Loulizi, P. Collins, J. R. Woods, S. Bundalo-Perc, and K. K. McGhee. Long- Term Accelerated Aging and Low Temperature BBR Testing of Sea/ants. Interim Report No. B5508-5. National Research Council of Canada, 2004, p. 262
11.4. Al-Qadi, I. L., J. F. Masson, E. Fini, S. H. Yang, and K. K. McGhee. Development of
Perfbrmance-Based Guidelines/br Selection of Bituminous-Based Hot-Poured Pavement Crack
Sealant: An Executive Summary Report. VTRC 09-CR7. Virginia Transportation Research
Council, Charlottesville, VA, 2009. http://vtrc.virginiadot.org/PubDetails.aspx’?PubNo=09-CR7.
11 .5. Al-Qadi, I. L., S. H. Yang, J. F. Masson, and K. K. MeGhee. characterization of Low Temperature Mechanical Properties of Crack Sealcints Utilizing Direct Tension Test, Final Report. No. ICT-08-028. Illinois Center for Transportation, Rantoul, IL, December 2008. https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream!handlc/2 I 42/45988/ICT-08-028.pdf’?sequence=2.
11.6. Al-Qadi, I. L., S. H. Yang, M. A. Elseifi, S. Dessouky, A. Loulizi, J. F. Masson, and K. K.
McGhee. Characterizallon of Low Temperature creep Properties of Crack Sea/ants Using
Bending Beam Rheometrv, Final Report. No. ICT-08-029. Illinois Center for Transportation,
Rantoul, IL, December 2008. https://www.ideals. i llinois.edu/bitstrearn!handle/2 I 42/45989/ICT-
11.7. Collins, P., M. Veitch, J. F. Masson, and I. L. Al-Qadi. “Deformation and Tracking of Bituminous Seal ants in Summer Temperatures: Pseudo-Field Behavior.” International Journal of Pa vemeilt Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1—8.
11.8. AASHTO PP 85. Grading or Verifying the Sealant Grade (SG) of a Hot-Poured Asphalt Crack Sealant.AASHTO MP 25-18 pdf download.

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