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AASHTO MP 41-19 pdf free download

AASHTO MP 41-19 pdf free download.High Friction Surface Treatment for Asphalt and Concrete Pavements Using Calcined Bauxite.
3.1. high friction surface treatment (HFS7}—a binder resin system and surface-applied aggregate utilized to increase the coefficient of friction of an asphalt or concrete pavement.
3.2. hinder resin system—a polymeric resin used to bond a surface-applied aggregate to an asphalt or concrete pavement.
3.3. prime coat—a polymeric resin that is used to fill cracks and voids in existing pavement surface that is compatible with the binder resin system.
3.4. skid resistance (SR)—the ability of the traveled surface to prevent the loss of tire traction.
3.5. refractory grade calcined bauxite aggregate—Non-metallurgical bRefractory grade” high-quality bauxite rock is calcined at 2900 to 3000°F which produces a dense, high purity, stable aggregate. Refractory Grade has a high Alumina content (87%Al203) and a very low alkali content (0.4 percent) with low impurities and a Bulk density of 3. I.
4.1. This specification describes furnishing a HFST material for asphalt and concrete pavements.
4.1.1. The HFST is comprised of a minimum of a single layer using a binder resin system that holds a surface applied aggregate firmly in place.
4.1.2. The IIFST may be applied by either mechanical or manual techniques. These systems may be applied to both asphalt and concrete pavements.
5.1. The HFST is used primarily for restoring or enhancing the friction properties of a pavement surface where anti-skidding properties are desired.
5.2. Recommended locations for HFST installations include horizontal curves, intersections, exit- entrance ramps, steep grades. bridges, and other identified areas where increased friction demand requires an effective countermeasure.
5.3. Even though an HFST provides improved friction for bridge decks, this specification is not intended to address bridge deck preservation sealing projects.
6.1. Binder Resin Si stenis:
6.1.1. Binder Resin System—Binder resin systems shall be recommended by the manufacturer as suitable for use on the intended pavement surface and for the potential range of atmospheric exposure.
6.1 .2. Prime (‘oat—a primer shall be used before application of the binder resin system when recommended by the manufacturer.
6.1.3. The properly proportioned and mixed binder shall conform to the requirements of the Tables 1, 2, and 3. Sec Section 7 for sample preparation and testing procedures.
8.1. Binder Resin System Packaging:
8.1 .1. Binder resin system components shall be packaged in suitable, well-sealed containers clearly labeled as to the type material and the ratio of the components to be mixed by volume. Any special instructions regarding mixing shall be included. The label shall show resin or hardener components, brand name, name of manufacturer, lot or batch number, temperature range for storage, expiration date, and the quantity contained therein. Caution warnings regarding contact of the binder with skin and eyes shall be included on the labels.
8.2. Aggregate Packaging:
8.2.1. All aggregates shall be furnished in appropriate packaging that is clearly labeled and protects the aggregate from any contaminates on the jobsite and from exposure to rain or other moisture. The label shall show the name of the manufacturer and location of processing.AASHTO MP 41-19 pdf download.

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