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AASHTO PH 03 pdf free download

Once a potential toll project is identifed, there may be an expectation that the NEPA process should begin right away. But before starting the NEPA process, it is beneficial to assess whether the necessary technical resources, expertise, and legal authorities are in place- -especially if the project is being implemented in a region that does not have significant prior experience will tolling. This section discusses some of the important topics to cover when preparing to initiate the NEPA process for a toll project. Considering these issues early will help to avoid delays after the NEPA process is under way. Adopting Planning Decisions for Use in the NEPA Process. If tlling has been considered in the transportation planning process, the project sponsor should meet with the Federal lead agency to discuss what decisions or analyses can be adopted from the planning process for use in the NEPA process. For example, the planning process may provide a basis for defining the proposed project as a tolled project from the outset. The planning process also may provide information that can be adopted regarding the regional impacts and benefits of tolling. By the same token, the planning process also may have revealed significant public concerns about tolling, which may suggest the need to continue consideration of non-tolled alternatives in the NEPA process.
Modeling Capability. One of the most important issues to consider before initiating the NEPA process is the adequacy of the existing travel forecasting model. A model that may be sufficient for non-tolled projects is not necessarily sufficient to carry out an alternatives analysis for a tolled project. Developing the necessary capabilities often takes significant time and resources, so it is best done before the NEPA process begins. For example, it may be necessary to develop a time-of-day model, with the capability to predict variations in volumes throughout the day, rather than a model that predicts total daily volumes and simply makes assumptions about the share of that trafic that will occur during peak periods. Study Area. The study area for a project with tolled alternatives may be broader, in some ways, than the study area for a project that only includes non-tolled alternatives. The reason is that tolling can have wide-ranging effects on traffic patterns, extending well beyond the immediate geographic area of the project. As initial traffic forecasts are received, the project team should examine the effects of tolling on the regional traffic network as a whole and ensure that the study area (at least for traffic-related impacts) is broad enough to include other facilities that will be meaningfully affected by tolling.
PPP Expertise. Many toll roads are developed as public- -private partnerships- -for example, concession contracts under which a private party will be responsible for design, construction, financing, operating, and maintaining the project. If a PPP is being considered, it is beneficial to develop plans for the PPP procurement and the NEPA process in parallel with one another, so that the NEPA strategy can inform the approach to the PPP procurement and vice-versa. For example, it is critical for the PPP procurement to be conducted in a manner that does not create bias or the appearance of bias in the NEPA process. Early coordination between the NEPA and PPP teams can help to ensure that all communications and documentation involved in the PPP procurement are fully consistent with this principle.AASHTO PH 03 pdf download.

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