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AASHTO PP 102-20 pdf free download

AASHTO PP 102-20 pdf free download.Digital Interchange of Geotechnical Data.
3.1. Agencv—A state highway agency or other agency of authority responsible for establishing and enforcing standard methods and practices; owner of highway infrastructure; owner of geotechnical data.
3.2. Data—Digital quantities, characters, or symbols on which computer operations can be performed. These data can be subsequently stored, transmitted, and used electronically.
3.3. Data Interchange (or exchange or trans/èi)—The systematic process of using computers to transmit data from one computer or computer application to another.
3.4. Data In terchange for Geotechnical and Geoen vironm en tal Specialists or DIGGS—A n Extensible Markup Language (XML) grammar that is a specialized extension of Geography Markup Language (GML) for expressing and transferring georeferenced geotechnical data.
3.5. Data Interoperabilitv—the ability of independent systems to exchange data in a manner that preserves the meaning and relationships of the exchanged data.
3.6. Extensible Markup Language (‘or XML)—a computer language designed to facilitate data transfer, with tags to define specific data elements. XML provides a structure to allow the development and expansion of DIGGS to include new data elements while recognizing data elements defined in previously developed versions of that schema. XML presents data in a format that is both human- and machine-readable.
3.7. Geography Markup Language (or GML)—an XML grammar for expressing geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. As with most XML-based grammars, there are two parts: the schema that describes the document and the instance document that contains the actual data.
3.8. Geotechnical Service Provider—contracted private or public organization or entity who provides geotechnical subsurface investigation, testing, field instrumentation, or geophysical services, or who capture data for geotechnical related services.
3.9. Protocol—( See Schema)
3.10. Schema—Computer code that describes the rules and constraints on data structure and content beyond the basic syntactical rules and constraints imposed by a computer language.
3.11. Software Developer—a computer code programmer who creates or designs computer software programs and applications.
3.12. System Administrator—a computer code programmer who manages the operation of an organization’s computer system or systems.
3.13. System Developer—a type of software developer who develops and implements applications and programs for system interoperability and workflow efficiency, often without user interface.
3.14. User—a person who uses or benefits from implementing the digital interchange of geotechnical data.
3.15. Work/low—the progression of steps from the beginning to the end of a working process. Workflow can be made efficient by automating, optimizing, or eliminating (unnecessary) steps.
This standard provides a consistent and efficient convention for geotechnical data transfer across electronic systems and software. The integration of this Standard within routine geotechnical practice allows for profound changes in work flow efficiencies and deliverables for project development, delivery, contracting, and acceptance. This standard also allows for consistent and efficient management of geotechnical asset and performance measurement data. The standard eliminates complications from proprietary or variable data formats. Adoption of this standard reduces the time and resources currently needed for data translation and interpretation. Further, this standard practice essentially eliminates manual re-entry of data. The standard allows data to be exchanged seamlessly between systems, thus eliminating the need for custom interchange conversion or processing developments or translators. Examples in workflow efficiencies by agencies and users may be immediate or be developed over time, and include the following:
4.1.1. Improvement to system interoperability
4.1.2. Improvements to data acquisition, entry, display, automated programming, reporting, transmittal, and visualization of field and laboratory testing results
4.1.3. Improvements to the retrieval of geospatially-referenced geotechnical data and automated assessment, analyses, and designs for current and future projects.AASHTO PP 102-20 pdf download.

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