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AASHTO PP 86-20 pdf free download

AASHTO PP 86-20 pdf free download.AASHTO PP 86-20Emulsified Asphalt Content of Cold Recycled Mixture Designs.
2.2. ASTM Standards: ■D3549/D3549M, Standard Test Method for Thickness or Height of Compacted Asphalt Mixture Specimens ■D7196, Standard Test Method for Raveling Test of Cold Mixed Emulsified Asphalt Samples 2.3. Other Documents: ■LTPP Seasonal Asphalt Concrete Pavement Temperature Models, LTPPBind 3.1 Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual, Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association and FHWA-HIF- 14-001, Annapolis, MD. 3. TERMINOLOGY 3.1. cold central-plant recycling (CCPR)- the process in which the asphalt recycling takes place at a central location using a stationary cold mix plant. The resulting pavement serves as a base layer overlaid with a surface treatment or asphalt mixture overlay. 3.2. cold in-place recycling (CIR)一-the on-site recycling process to a typical treatment depth of 75- 100 mm (3-4 in.), using a train of equipment (tanker trucks, milling machines, crushing and screening units, mixers, pavers, and rollers) and an emulsified asphalt with or without a combination of additives (lime, cement, aggregate), generating and re-using 100 percent of the milled material, with the resulting pavement serving as a base layer overlaid with a surface treatment or asphalt mixture overlay. 3.3. reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP)- removed and/or processed pavement materials containing asphalt binder and aggregate.
4. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 4.1. The procedure described in this standard is used to produce CIR or CCPR that satisfies mix design requirements. 4.2. Specifying an emulsified asphalt alone for CIR or CCPR may not be satisfactory in producing a good-performing mixture. The mix design described in this standard practice has been used successfully in many projects. 5. OBTAINING AND PREPARATION OF MATERIALS 5.1. Sampling Existing Pavement for CIR and CCPR: 5.1.1. Obtain cores from the areas to be recycled. The material provided must be representative of the material to be recycled. Where visual differences in the pavement surface are noted or where construction or maintenance records indicate differences, obtain additional cores to evaluate the difference. If these additional cores show significant material differences, perform a separate mix design for each identified pavement segment. Note 1- Take cores using a pattern that results in a representative sample of the pavement to be recycled including at or near lane lines, within and between wheel paths, at the pavement edge and within shoulders if shoulders are to be recycled. Provide at least 1 80 kg (400 lb) of RAP per design, more if asphalt content or binder properties or recovered aggregate gradation analysis of the RAP are desired.
5.1.2. Crush cores at ambient temperature or colder to obtain materials for the mix design. Note 2- A jaw crusher, laboratory milling machine, or other suitable method is recommended for modeling the particle shape and gradation expected during recycling. 5.1.3. As an alternative to obtaining and crushing cores, obtain RAP by milling. Mill the pavement from areas to be recycled to the specified depth. Note 3- Consider a cold planer if the pavement section is uniform and a representative section is milled. Obtain samples provided the cold planer (milling machine) produces sufficient coarse material to conduct a mix design. Fine millings may not be acceptable if they are not coarse enough to represent the construction-produced millings. Only millings that represent the pavement to be recycled shall be collected. If the existing pavement surface is planned to be milled and removed during construction, the pavement shall be milled in a simi lar manner and removed prior to milling for sampling purposes. Milling and sampling shall only be to the planned recycle depth. The material may be taken from one test location for each mix design to be performed. For example, if a pavement change exists within the limits of the roadway, one test location should be designated separating each area.AASHTO PP 86-20 pdf download.

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