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AASHTO R 10-06 pdf free download

AASHTO R 10-06 pdf free download.Definition of Terms Related to Quality and Statistics as Used in Highway Construction.
4.3. acceptance constant (k)—the minimum allowable quality index (Q). [The acceptance constant k is the acceptance limit associated with the quality index quality measure. In other words, for acceptance, Q must he greater than or equal to k.J
4.4. acceptance limit—in variables acceptance plans, the limiting upper or lower value, placed on a quality measure, that will permit acceptance of a lot. [While the test values for material samples are evaluated against specification limits and engineering limits, the computed quality level for a specific quality measure is evaluated against the acceptance limit. For example, the minimum allowable PWL called for in a QA specification might be 65 PWL. This is the acceptance limit.]
4.5. acceptance number (c)—in attributes acceptance plans. the maximum number of defective or noncon forming units in the sample that will permit acceptance of the inspected lot or batch.
4.6. acceptance plan—al so called “acceptance sampling plan” or “statistical acceptance plan. “An agreed-upon process for evaluating the acceptability of a lot of material. It includes: lot size and sample size (i.e., number of samples), quality measure, acceptance limit(s), evaluation of risks, and pay adjustment provisions.
4.7. acceptance sampling and testing—sampling and testing performed by the agency, or its designated agent, to evaluate acceptability of the final product. Also called “verification sampling and testing” when specifically used to validate the contractor’s data.
4.8. acceptance quality cha,vcteristic (‘AQC9—a quality characteristic that is measured and used to determine acceptability.
4.9. accepted reference value—a value that serves as an agreed-upon reference for comparison, and which is derived as: (1) a theoretical or established value, based on scientific principles; (2) an assigned or certified value, based on experimental work of some national or international organization; or (3) a consensus or certified value, based on collaborative experimental work under the auspices of a scientific or engineering group.
4.10. accredited /aboratories—laboratories that are recognized by a formal accrediting body as meeting quality system requirements including demonstrated competence to perform standard
test procedures.
4.11 . action limits—see control chart limits.
4.1 2. accuracy—the degree to which a measurement, or the mean of a distribution of measurements, tends to coincide with the true population mean. [When the true population mean is not known, the degree of agreement between the observed measurements and an accepted reference value may be used to quantify the accuracy of the measurements.]
4.1 3. adjusted pay schedule—see pay adjustment schedule.
4.14. adjusted pay system—see pay adjustment system.
4.15. aesthetic value—the worth of an item of construction in terms of pleasing appearance or gratifying
4.16. alpha (CL,) error—see seller’s risk.
4.17. alpha sub PF (apb)—see seller’s risk. For acceptance plans with pay adjustments. the probability that acceptable quality level (AQL) material or construction will be assessed a pay factor less than PF with respect to a single acceptance quality characteristic. For example, aio for a compressive strength pay adjustment acceptance plan is the probability that AQL compressive strength material will be assessed less than 100 percent pay for compressive strength; this probability includes the probability of rejection, a0, with respect to compressive strength.AASHTO R 10-06  pdf download.

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