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AASHTO R 36-21 pdf free download

AASHTO R 36-21 pdf free download.Evaluating Faulting of Concretel Pavements.
REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1. AASHTO Standards: : ■ M 328, Inertial Profiler ■ R 56, Certification of Inertial Profiling Systems ■ R 57, Operating Inertial Profiling Systems 3. TERMINOL .OGY 3.1. Definitions: . 3.1.1. filtering- filtering technique that excludes the wavelength contents other than those within the selected wave band. 3.1.2. longitudinal profile- the set of perpendicular deviations of the pavement surface from an established horizontal reference plane to the lane direction. 3.1.3. outside wheel path- a longitudinal strip of pavement 0.75 m (30 in.) wide and centered 0.875 m (35 in.) from centerline of the lane toward the shoulder. 3.1.4. spalling- -breakdown or disintegration of slab edges at joints or cracks usually resulting in the loss of sound concrete. 3.2. Definitions of Terms Specific to this Standard: 3.2.1. automated. faulting measurement (AFM)一a module in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Profile Viewing and Analysis (ProVAL) software, used to automatically process longitudinal profiles for faulting computation and reporting based on Method A (see Section 6 this standard.
3.2.2. automated. faulting program (AFP)- an Excel-based application developed by Florida Department of Transportation under the AASHTO Technology Implementation Group (TIG) program used to automatically process longitudinal profiles for faulting computation and joint detection reporting based on Method B (see Section 7) of this standard. 3.2.3. faultmeters- a type of device for manual fault measurement based on contact-type methodology. 3.2.4. high-speed inertial profiler (HSIP)- a vehicle equipped with laser height sensors and accelerometers to measure longitudinal profiles based on non-contact-type technology. 4. MANUAL FAULT MEASUREMENT 4.1. It is each agency’s responsibility to designate the lane(s) and direction(s) of travel to be surveyed on the basis of sound engineering principles and pavement management needs within the agency. 4.2. Include the sampling rate level of at least 10 percent of all transverse joints or transverse cracks. The 10 percent sampling rate should be uniformly spaced (preferably every tenth joint or crack or more frequently) throughout the project to assess the condition. The location should be documented along with the measurement. 4.3. Record all faulting measured. It is recommended that a precision for faulting be established such that it is calculated to the nearest 1mm (0.04 in.).
5.2.4. For project-level survey, the sampling interval needs to be 19 mm (0.75 in.) or less. No digital filtering during postprocessing of data shall be allowed. Automated triggering is recommended to locate the start and end of survey sections with high precision. 5.2.5. For network-level surveys, the sampling interval needs to be 38 mm (1.5 in.) or less. No digital filtering during postprocessing of data shall be allowed. 5.2.6. Profile data should be collected for both left and right wheel paths. 5.2.7. Observation should be recorded for profiler sensor footprint, aggessive surface textures, tining, slope/grade, spalling, cur1/warp, skewed joints, and sealant-filled joints. 5.3. Users can elect either Method A (see Section 6) or Method B (see Section 7) or Method C (see Section 8) to process the HSIP data to compute faulting. 6. METHOD A- -PROCESS OF AUTOMATED MEASUREMENTS 6.1. The data processing and reporting should comply with the following best practices for identifying locations of joints/cracks and computing faults. Method A consists of a two-step process. Firstly, joint/crack locations are identified, then an algorithm is used to compute faulting for each joint/crack location. Note 2- -The AFM module in the FHWA ProVAL software (www.RoadProfile.com) is recommended for data processing and reporting, to ensure consistent results based on Method A (see Section 11.2). . 6.2. Identify joint/crack locations using an automated method: downward spike detection, step detection, and curled edge detection (see Figure 3).AASHTO R 36-21 pdf download.

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