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AASHTO R 77-16 pdf free download

AASHTO R 77-16 pdf free download.Certifying Suppliers of Emulsified Asphalt.
8.1. The supplier shall submit a written request to the agency for authorization to ship emulsified asphalt under the approved supplier certification system and shall list the emulsified asphalt grades to which the request applies.
8.2. The supplier shall allow the agency to visit the production and shipping site to observe the supplier’s quality control activities, to inspect the facilities, and to obtain samples for testing.
8.3. The supplier shall submit to the agency for approval a complete quality control plan that complies with the req uirements of Section 9.
8.4. The supplier shall follow the procedures described in the approved quality control plan.
8.5. The supplier shall establish a continuing record for each test required on each emulsified asphalt grade listed in the written request required in Section 8. 1.
8.6. The supplier shall forward to the agency the initial series of test data (Section 9.3.1) for each emulsified asphalt grade listed in the written request required in Section 8.1. The supplier shall also obtain and provide a split sample for the agency if requested.
8.7. The supplier shall submit to the agency all reports required by this standard in a form approved by the agency.
8.8. The supplier shall maintain a satisfactory record of compliance with the governing specifications. Judgments by the agency concerning this requirement shall be based on the test results furnished by the supplier and satisfactory results obtained when comparing the monitoring and field tests with supplier tests.
9.1. The supplier’s quality control plan shall identi/y the Iöllowing:
9.1 .1. Facility type (e.g., refinery, terminal, production site);
9.1 .2. Facility location;
9.1 .3. Name, telephone number, and c-mail address of the person responsible for quality control at the facility;
9.1 .4. The quality control tests to he performed on each emulsified asphalt; and 9.1 .5. Name and location of all laboratories performing the quality control tests on the emulsified asphalt that is shipped.
9.2. The supplier’s quality control plan shall include a declaration stating that if a test result indicates that a shipment of emulsified asphalt is not in compliance with the purchase specifications. the supplier shall (1) immediately notify the agency of the shipment in question and immediately notify the receiver of the shipment in question: (2) identify the material: (3) cease shipment until the material complies with the specification: (4) notify the agency prior to resuming shipment; and (5) implement any mutually agreed-upon procedures for the disposition of the material. In the event a mutual agreement is not obtained, the specifying agency shall have the final authority in the decision on specification compliance.
9.3. The supplier’s quality control plan shall describe the method and frequency for initial testing. quality control testing, and specification compliance testing.
9.3.1. Initial Testing—For each grade of emulsified asphalt to be supplied, specification compliance testing (complete testing per either M 140, M 208, or M 316) shall be performed for at least three consecutive lots. A lot may be a fixed batch of material or a specified quantity in a continuous operation (see Note 3). The supplier and the agency shall agree on the lot size. The agency must approve any change to a lot size.
Note —lf a batch operation is used to produce the emulsified asphalt, a tank may be defined as a lot. The lot size would be the amount of material batched into the tank. If a continuous process (inline blending or a shipment from “live” tanks) is used to manufacture the emulsified asphalt, the lot size may be obtained at random during the production for continuous operations. The lot size shall depend on the production method used and the quantity of the emulsified asphalt produced.AASHTO R 77-16 pdf download.

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