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AASHTO R100-21 pdf free download

AASHTO R100-21 pdf free download.Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field.
5.2. Cylinder- -Molds for casting concrete test specimens shall conform to the requirements of M 205M/M 205. 5.3. Beam Molds- Beam molds shall be of the shape and dimensions required to produce the specimens stipulated in Section 6.2. The inside surfaces of the molds shall be smooth. The sides, bottom, and ends shall be at right angles to each other and shall be straight and true and free of warpage. Maximum variation from the nominal cross section shall not exceed 3.2 mm (/8 in.) for molds with depth or breadth of 152 mm (6 in.) or more, or 1.6 mm (/16 in.) for molds of smaller depth or breadth. Except for flexure specimens, molds shall not vary from the nominal length by more than 1.6 mm (/16 in.). Flexure molds shall not be shorter than 1.6 mm (/16 in.) of the required length (greater lengths are allowed). 5.4. Tamping Rods- A round, smooth, straight, steel rod with a diameter conforming to the requirements in Table 1. The length of the tamping rod shall be at least 100 mm (4 in.) greater than the depth of the mold in which rodding is being performed, but not greater than 600 mm (24 in.) in overall length (see Note 1). The rod shall have the tamping end or both ends rounded to a hemispherical tip of the same diameter as the rod. Note 1- A rod length of 400 mm (16 in.) to 600 mm (24 in.) meets the requirements of the following: T 119M/T 119, T 121M/T 121, T 152, and T 196M/T 196.5.9. Slump Apparatus- -The apparatus for measurement of slump shall conform to the requirements ofT 1 19M/T 119. 5.10. Sampling Receptacle- -The receptacle shall be a suitable heavy gauge metal pan, wheelbarrow, or flat, clean, nonabsorbent mixing board of sufficient capacity to allow easy remixing of the entire sample with a shovel or trowel. 5.11. Air Content Apparatus- -The apparatus for measuring air content shall conform to the requirements ofT 196M/T 196 or T 152. 5.12. Temperature Measuring Devices- -The temperature measuring devices shall conform to the applicable requirements of T 309M/T 309. 6. TESTING REQUIREMENTS 6.1. Cylindrical Specimens- Compressive or splitting tensile strength specimens shall be cylinders cast and allowed to set in an upright position. The number and size of cylinders cast shall be as directed by the specifier of the tests. In addition, the length shall be twice the diameter, and the cylinder diameter shall be at least three times the nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregate. When the nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregate exceeds 50 mm (2 in.), the concrete sample shall be treated by wet sieving through a 50-mm (2-in.) sieve as described in R 60. For acceptance testing for specified compressive strength, cylinders shall be 152 by 300 mm (6 by 12in.)or100by200mm(4by8in.)(Note3). Note 3- When molds in SI units are required and not available, equivalent inch-pound unit size molds should be permitted. 6.2. Beam Specimens- Flexural strength specimens shall be beams of concrete cast and hardened with long axes horizontal. The length shall be at least 50 mm (2 in.) greater than three times the depth as tested. The ratio of width to depth as molded shall not exceed 1.5.AASHTO R100-21 pdf download.

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