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AASHTO R12-85 pdf free download

AASHTO R12-85 pdf free download.Bituminous Mixture Design Using the Marshall and Hveem Procedures.
1. SCOPE 1.1. This recommended practice is to provide guidance in the use and application of the Marshall and Hveem Methods of mixture design. 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.1. It is recommended that AASHTO specifications for material and for sampling and testing be followed in the evaluation of bituminous mixtures for use under the Marshall and Hveem Procedures. 2.2. The procedure for determining the optimum asphalt content for a particular mixture under evaluation should be as a minimum that given by the Asphalt Institute in their publication entitled Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot Mix Types, Manual Series No.2 (MS-2).’ Local conditions may warrant inclusion of additional criteria in the design procedure. 2.3. The user should also verify the criteria used by the particular agency for which the mix design is being performed to ensure compliance with the applicable specification requirements. 2.4. Laboratories performing these types of mix designs should be periodically reviewed by the AASHTO Material Reference Laboratory to ensure that the equipment and procedures used are in conformance with the applicable AASHTO test methods and written procedures.AASHTO R12-85  pdf download.

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