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AASHTO R47-19 pdf free download

AASHTO R47-19 pdf free download.Reducing Samples of Asphalt Mixtures to Testing Size.
7.3. Noncontact Temperature Device (optional—A noncontact temperature device suitable for determining the temperature of’ a heated splitter.
7.4. Asp/ia/i Release Agent—Shall not contain any solvents or petroleum-based products that could affect asphalt binder properties.
8.1. Place the splitter on a level surface. The splitter and accessory equipment may be heated, not to exceed the maximum mixing temperature of the asphalt mixture, as determined by a noncontact temperature device. Surfaces of the mechanical splitter that will come in contact with the asphalt mixture may be lightly coated with an approved asphalt release agent to prevent a buildup and loss of asphalt binder and fines. The release agent shall not contain any solvents or petroleum-based products that could affect asphalt binder properties.
8.2. Mechanical Splitter Type A—Place the field- or laboratory-prepared asphalt mixture into the mechanical splitter hopper, and position four sample receptacles to receive the reduced portions of the original sample. Fill the hopper in such a manner as to avoid segregation of the asphalt mixture, typically using a continuous or segmented pour from multiple directions around the hopper. Release the handle to drop the asphalt mixture through the dividers into the sample receptacles. Reintroduce selected receptacles from opposite corners into the splitter hopper as many times as necessary to further reduce the asphalt mixture sample to the size specified for the intended test.
8.3. Mechanical Splitter Type B—Place the field- or laboratory-prepared asphalt mixture into the sample splitter pan or hopper, and uniformly distribute it from edge to edge so that when it is introduced into the chutes, approximately equal amounts will flow through each chute. The rate at which the sample is introduced shall be such as to allow free flow through the chutes into the receptacles below. The entire sample may be mixed by repeated use of the mechanical splitter. Reintroduce the portion of the sample from one of the receptacles into the splitter as many times as necessary to reduce the sample to the size necessary for the intended test. The portion of the material collected in the other receptacle may be reserved for reduction in size for other tests.
9.1. Quartering Template—A quartering template manufactured from a suitable metal that withstands heat and use without deforming is recommended. The template should be configured in the form of a cross with sides of equal length sufficient to be 1.1 times the diameter of a flattened cone of the asphalt mixture sample to be quartered. The height of the sides should be sufficient to extend above the thickness of the flattened cone of the asphalt mixture sample to be quartered. The sides shall form a 90-degree angle at their juncture (see Figure 5).
9.2. Flat-B otto,,, Scoop—A large, straight-edged, flat-bottom scoop should be used to sample the asphalt mixture. A square shovel or trowel will meet this requirement.
9.3. Straightedge—Large spatula, trowel, or metal straightedge.
9.4. Nonstick paper.
9.5. Aspliall Release Age,it—Shall not contain any solvents or petroleum-based products that could affect asphalt binder properties.AASHTO R47-19 pdf download.

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