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AASHTO R58-11 pdf free download

AASHTO R58-11 pdf free download.Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil-Aggregate Samples for Test.
5.2. Weigh the portion of the dried sample selected for particle-sized analysis and physical tests (including specific gravity), and record that mass as the mass of total sample uncorrected for hygroscopic moisture. Separate this portion into fractions by one of the following methods:
5.2.1. Alternate Methods Using 2.00-inn, (No. 10,) Sieve—Separate the dried sample into two fractions using a 2.00-mm sieve. Grind the fraction retained on the sieve with the pulverizing apparatus until the aggregations of soil particles are broken into separate grains. Separate the ground soil into two fractions using the 2.00-mm sieve.
5.2.2. Alternate Method Using 4.75-mm and 2.00-mm (‘Nos. 4 and 10,) Sieves—Separate the dried sample into two fractions using a 4.75-mm sieve. Grind the fraction retained on this sieve with the pulverizing apparatus until the aggregation of soil particles are broken into separate grains, and then separate these grains on the 4.75-mm sieve. Thoroughly mix the fractions passing the 4.75- mm sieve and, by the use of the sampler or by splitting and quartering, obtain a representative portion adequate for the desired tests. Separate this portion on the 2.00-mm sieve and process it as described in Section 5.2.1. Record the mass of the material from this split-oft’ fraction that is retained on the 2.00-mm sieve for later use in coarse sieve analysis computations.
6.1. Set aside the fraction retained on the 2.00-mm (No. 10) sieve in Section 5.2.1, or that retained on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve in Section 5.2.2 after the second sieving, for use in sieve analysis of the coarse material.
6.2. Thoroughly mix the fractions passing the 2.00-mm (No. 1 0) sieve in both sieving operations in Sections 5.2.1 or 5.2.2 and, by the use of the sampler or by splitting or quartering, obtain representative portions having approximate masses as follows: (1) for the hydrometer analysis and sieve analysis of the fraction passing the 2.00-mm sieve, 110 g for sandy soil and 60 g for silty or clayey soils; and (2) for specific gravity, 25 g when the volumetric flask is to be used and 10 g when the stoppered bottle is to be used.
7.1. Separate the remaining portion of the material passing the 2.00-mm (No. 10) sieve into two parts by means of a 0.425-mm (No. 40) sieve. Grind the fraction retained on the 0.425-mm (No. 40) sieve with the pulverizing apparatus in such a manner as to break up the aggregations without fracturing the individual grains. If the sample contains brittle particles, such as flakes of mica, fragments of sea shells, etc., carefully perform the pulverizing operation with just enough pressure to free the finer material that adheres to the coarser particles. Separate the ground soil into two fractions by means of the 0.425-mm (No. 40) sieve, and regrind the material retained on the sieve. When repeated grinding produces only a small quantity of soil passing the 0.425-mm sieve, discard the material retained on the 0.425-mm sieve. Thoroughly mix the several fractions passing the 0.425-mm sieve obtained from the grinding and sieving operations and set aside for use in performing the physical tests.AASHTO R58-11 pdf download.

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