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AASHTO R64-17 pdf free download

AASHTO R64-17 pdf free download.Sampling and Fabrication of 50-mm (2-in.) Cube Specimens Using Grout (Non-Shrink) or Mortar.
7.4. Smooth off the cubes by drawing the flat side of the trowel (with the leading edge slightly raised) once across the top of each cube at right angles to the length of the mold. Then, for the purpose of leveling the mortar and making the mortar that protrudes above the top of the mold of more uniform thickness, draw the flat trailing edge of the trowel (with leading edge slightly raised) once lightly along the length of the mold. Cut off the mortar to a plane surface flush with the top of the mold by drawing the straightedge of the trowel (held nearly perpendicular to the mold) with a sawing motion over the length of the mold. The material shall be flush with the top of the mold.
7.5. Immediately secure the top cover plate to the cube mold.
7.6. Initial Curing—Immediately after securing the top cover plate to the cube mold, the specimens shall be stored in a secure, level location away from vibration, and remain undisturbed for a period of 24 to 28 h. Maintain the specimens in one of the following conditions:
7.6.1. Standard (‘ontrolled Curing—After initial curing, place specimens in a controlled environment capable of producing a temperature range from 16 to 27°C (60 to 80°F) and preventing moisture loss from the specimens unless stipulated otherwise by the specifier of tests. Various procedures are capable of being used during the initial curing period to maintain the specified moisture and temperature conditions. An appropriate procedure or combination of procedures shall be used (Notes 3 and 4). Shield all specimens from direct sunlight and, if used, radiant heating devices. The storage temperature shall be controlled by the use of heating and cooling devices, as necessary. Record the temperature using a maximum-minimum thermometer.
7.6.2. Field controlled Curing—After initial curing, place specimens as close as possible to the structure for initial curing. Cover with wet burlap, towels, or rags; seal it in a plastic sack out of direct sunlight; and record the time. Provide the same temperature protection as provided for the structure.
Note 3—A satisfactory moisture environment can be created during the initial curing of the specimens by one or more of the following procedures: (1) store in properly constructed wood boxes or structures, (2) place in damp sand pits, (3) cover with removable lids,
(4) place inside plastic bags, or (5) cover with plastic sheets or nonabsorbent plates if provisions are made to avoid drying and damp burlap is used inside the enclosure, but the burlap is prevented from contacting the concrete surfaces.
Note 4 A satisfactory temperature environment can be controlled during the initial curing of the specimens by one or more of the following procedures: (1) use of ventilation, (2) use of ice,
(3) use of thermostatically controlled heating or cooling devices, or (4) use of heating methods such as stoves or light bulbs. Other suitable methods may be used if the requirements limiting specimen storage temperature and moisture loss are met.
AASHTO R64-17 pdf download.

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