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AASHTO R9-05 pdf free download

AASHTO R9-05 pdf free download.Acceptance Sampling Plans for Hig hway Construction.
3.1. The following definitions are provided in this standard practice to help the reader become acciunated to general QA terms:
3.1.1. population (loi)—a specific quantity of similar material, construction, or units of product subject to either an acceptance or a process control decision. This can range from all of the history of a material to a single lot (Transportation Research Circular Number E-C037, 2002).
3.1.2. sample—a small part of a population (lot) that represents the whole (R 10). This implies a statistical sample. Thus, the use of the term sample size, n, denotes the number of test values used to make a decision. (This should not be confused with size of sample that indicates a quantity of material.)
3.1 .3. sampling and testing—sampling, testing, and the assessment of test results done to determine whether or not the quality of produced material or construction is acceptable in terms of the specifications (R 10). The results are best used to estimate a population. This is true for both QC and acceptance functions. To estimate a population, two measures are needed; one is the center of the estimated population and the other is a measure of its variability.
3.1.4. types of acceptance plans—a statistical acceptance plan is one based on an analysis of either variables or attributes. This standard practice focuses on analysis of variables for acceptance. Analysis by attributes is based on noting the presence or absence of some characteristic or attribute. Attribute analysis is most often used in visual inspections or when an item can only be classified as either acceptable, not acceptable, or pass/fail. Attribute plans are sometimes used with “screening tests” in which the material is tested before it is incorporated in the construction. Variables analysis is applicable to materials and construction in which quality is evaluated by measuring the numerical magnitude of a quality characteristic. A quality characteristic is a characteristic of a unit or product that is actually measured for acceptance purposes (Transportation Research Circular Number E—C03 7, 2002).
3.1.5. variability known acceptance plans—acceptance plans that assume a known and constant variability. These types of acceptance plans measure only the average and are not appropriate for highway materials and construction.
3.1 .6. variability unknown acceptance plans—acceptance plans that measure both the product average and variability as estimates of a population. This is the type of acceptance plan discussed in this standard practice.
3.2. For those de/lnitions that are not described within, two use/lit reference sources are:
3.2.1. Definition of Terms for Specifications and Procedures (R 10).
3.2.2. Glossary of Highway Quality Assurance Terms (Transportation Research Circular Number E-C037, 2002).
5.2. Define the goals and expectations of the acceptance plan. The primary goal is to identify potential benefits to the agency and to the industry. To achieve this goal, determine the criteria to be used to judge success. Examples of these criteria may be improved quality, a more knowledgeable industry, shared responsibility with industry, and/or faster completion times.
5.3. At this point, seek industry acceptance of and participation in the development of the acceptance plan. This is necessary to aid in industry cooperation and eventual positive reception.AASHTO R9-05 pdf download.

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