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AASHTO T 78-15 pdf free download

AASHTO T 78-15 pdf free download.Distillation of Cutback Asphalt Products.
5.4. Adapter—Heavy-wall [1-mm (0.04-in.)] glass, with a reinforced top, having an angle of approximately 105 degrees. The inside diameter at the large end shall be approximately 18 mm (0.7 in.), and at the small end, not less than 5 mm (0.2 in.). The lower surface of the adapter shall be on a smooth descending curve from the larger end to the smaller. The inside line of the outlet end shall be vertical, and the outlet shall be cut or ground (not fire-polished) at an angle of 45 ± 5 degrees to the inside line. Figure 2 indicates the appropriate location of the adapter in the distillation apparatus.
5.5. Shield and Flask Support—Two 15 by 15-cm (6 by 6-in.) sheets of 1.18-mm (No. 16) mesh Chrornel wire gauze on a tripod or ring.
5.6. Heat Source:
5.6.1. Adjustable Tirrill-type gas burner or equivalent.
5.6.2. An electric heater equipped with a transformer capable of controlling from 0 to 750 W. The shield and support shall be a refractory with an opening of 79 mm (3.1 in.), with the upper surface beveled to 86 mm (3.4 in.) to accommodate the specified 500-mL (1 6.9-oz) flask. When the flask is placed on the refractory, there should be a distance of approximately 3 mm (0.1 in.) between the bottom of the flask and the heating elements.
5.7. Receiver—A standard 1 00-rnL (3.4-oz) graduated cylinder conforming to the dimensions of ASTM E133, or a l00-mL (3.4-oz) Crow receiver.
Note I —Receivers of smaller capacity having 0.l-mL (0.003-oz) divisions may be used when low volumes of total distillate are expected and the added accuracy required.
5.8. Residue container—A seamless metal container with a slip-on cover of 75 ± 5 mm (3.0 ± 0.2 in.) in diameter and 55 ± 5 mm (2.2 ± 0.2 in.) in height.
5.8.1. Caution—Provide a cover suitable in size and material to extinguish a flame in the residue container if the residue flames after pouring.
5.9. Thermometer—ASTM high-distillation thermometers having a range from —6 to 400°C (20 to
760°F) and conforming to the requirements for Thermometer 8C (8F) as prescribed in ASTM E 1, or an equivalent thermometric device that has been calibrated in accordance with ASTM E220. ASTM 8C Thermometers shall be used for referee testing.
5.10. Balance—Conforming to the requirements of M 231, Class G 2.
6.1. Stir the sample thoroughly, warming it if necessary, to ensure homogeneity before removal of a portion for analysis.
6.2. If sufficient water is present to cause foaming or bumping, dehydrate a sample of not less than
250 rnL (8.5 oz) by heating it in a distillation flask sufficiently large to prevent foaming over into the side-arm. When foaming has ceased, stop the distillation. If any light oil has distilled over, separate and pour this material back into the flask when the contents have cooled just sufficiently to prevent the loss of volatile oil. Mix the contents of the flask thoroughly before removal of a portion for analysis.
7.1. Calculate the mass of 200 mL (6.8 oz) of the sample from the specific gravity of the material at
15.6/15.6°C. Add this amount ± 0.5 g into the 500-rnL (16.9-oz) flask.
7.2. Place the flask in the shield supported by two sheets of gauze on a tripod or ring. Connect the condenser tube to the tubulature of the flask with a tight cork joint. Clamp the condenser so that the axis of the bulb of the flask through the center of its neck is vertical. Adjust the adapter over the end of the condenser tube so that the distance from the neck of the flask to the outlet of the adapter is 650 ± 50 mm (25.6 ± 2.0 in.) (see Figure 2).AASHTO T 78-15 pdf download.

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