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AASHTO T209-19 pdf free download

AASHTO T209-19 pdf free download.Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity ( Gmm) and Density of Asphalt Mixtures.
3.1.1. density. as deter,nined hi’ this test method—the mass of a cubic meter of the material at 25°C (77°F) in SI units, or the mass of a cubic foot of the material at 25°C (77°F) in inch-pound units.
3.1.2. residual pressun’, as employed hr this fe’sI method the pressure in a vacuum vessel when vacuum is applied.
3.1.3. specific gravity, as determined by this lest ,nethod—the ratio of a given mass of material at 25°C (77°F) to the mass of an equal volume of water at the same temperature.
The theoretical maximum specific gravity (Gmrn) and density of asphalt mixture arc intrinsic properties whose values are influenced by the composition of the mixtures in terms of types and amounts of aggregates and asphalt materials.
4.1.1. These properties are used to calculate percent air voids in compacted asphalt mixture.
4.1.2. These properties provide target values for the compaction of asphalt mixture.
4.1.3. These properties are essential when calculating the amount of asphalt binder absorbed by the internal porosity of the individual aggregate particles in asphalt mixture.
Follow the procedures for performing equipment calibrations, standardizations, and checks that
conform to R 18 and R 61.
5.2. Vacuun Container:
5.2.1. The vacuum containers described must be capable of withstanding the full vacuum applied, and each must be equipped with the fittings and other accessories required by the test procedure being employed. The opening in the container leading to the vacuum pump shall be covered by a piece of 0.075-mm (No. 200) wire mesh to minimize the loss of fine material.
5.2.2. The capacity of the vacuum container should be between 2000 and 10000 mL and depends on the minimum sample size requirements given in Section 6.3. Avoid using a small sample in a large container.
5.2.3. Boii’l for Mass Deier,ninauon in Water On/v (‘Section 11. 1)—Either a metal or plastic bowl with a diameter of approximately 180 10260mm (7 to 10 in.) and a bowl height of at least 160 mm (6.3 in.) equipped with a transparent cover fitted with a rubber gasket and a connection for the vacuum line.
5.2.4. Flask for Mass Determination in Air On/i’ (Secfio,i 11,2)—A thick-walled volumetric glass flask with a factory-inscribed line and a rubber stopper with a connection for the vacuum line.
5.2.5. Pvcnometer for Mass Dermination in Air On/v (Section 1 1.2.1—A glass, metal, or plastic pycnometer with a volume defined by means of a glass capillary stopper, capillary lid, or glass plate.
5.3. Balance—A balance conforming to the requirements of M 231, Class G 2. The balance shall be standardized at least every 12 months.
5.5. Vacuum Measurement Device— Residual prcssurc manometer1 or vacuum gauge to be connected directly to the vacuum vessel and capable of measuring residual pressure down 104.0 kPa (30 mmHg) or less (preferably to zero). The device shall be standardized at least annually and be accurate to 0.1 kPa (1 mmllg). It shall be connected at the end of the vacuum line using an appropriate tube and either a “T” connector on the top of the vessel or a separate opening (from the vacuum line) in the top of the vessel to attach the hose. To avoid damage, the manometer shall not be situated on top of the vessel.
Note 2 —A residual pressure of 4.0 kPa (30 mmHg) absolute pressure is approximately equivalent to a 97 kPa (730 rnrnHg) reading on a vacuum gauge at sea level.
Note 3– Residual pressure in the vacuum container, measured in millimeters of mercury. is the difference in the height of mercury in the Torricellian vacuum leg of the manometer and the height of mercury in the other leg of the manometer that is attached to the vacuum container.
Note 4 —An example of a suitable arrangement of the testing equipment is shown in Figure 1. In the Ilgure. the purpose of the train of small filter flasks is to trap water vapor from the vacuum container that otherwise would enter the oil in the vacuum pump and decrease the pump’s ability to provide adequate vacuum.AASHTO T209-19  pdf download.

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