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AASHTO T27-14 pdf free download

AASHTO T27-14 pdf free download.Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.
4.1. A sample of dry aggregate of known mass is separated through a series 01 sieves 01 progressively smaller openings for determination of particle size distribution.
5.1. This method is used primarily to determine the grading of materials proposed for use as aggregates or being used as aggregates. The results are used to determine compliance of the particle size distribution with applicable specitication requirements and to provide necessary data for control of the production of’ various aggregate products and mixtures containing aggregates. The data may also be useful in developing relationships concerning porosity and packing.
5.2. Accurate determination of material finer than the 75-i.tm (No. 200) sieve cannot be achieved by use of this method alone. Test Method T 11 for material finer than the 75-jim (No. 200) sieve by rashing should be employed.
6.1. Balance—The balance shall have sufficient capacity, be readable to 0.1 percent of the sample mass, or better, and conform to the requirements of M 231.
6.2. Sieves—–The sieve cloth shall be mounted on substantial frames constructed in a manner that will prevent loss of material during sieving. The sieve cloth and standard sieve frames shall conform to the requirements of M 92. Nonstandard sieve frames shall conform to the requirements of M 92 as applicable.
Note I -It is recommended that sieves mounted in frames larger than standard 203.2 mm (8 in.) diameter be used for testing coarse aggregate to reduce the possibility of overloading the sieves. See Section 8.3.
6.3. Mechanical Sieve Shaker—A mechanical sieving device, if used, shall create motion of’ the sieves to cause the particles to bounce, tumble, or otherwise turn so as to present ditTerent orientations to the sieving surface. The sieving action shall be such that the criterion for adequacy of sieving described in Section 8.4 is met in a reasonable time period.
Note 2 (Jse of a mechanical sieve shaker is recommended when the size of the sample is 20 kg (44 Ib) or greater, and may be used for smaller samples, including fine aggregate. Excessive tune (more than approximately 10 mm) to achieve adequate sieving may result in degradation of the sample. The same mechanical sieve shaker may not be practical for all sizes of samples because the large sieving area needed for practical sieving of a large nominal size coarse aggregate very likely could result in loss of a portion of’ the sample if used for a smaller sample of’ coarse aggregate or tine aggregate.
6.4. Oven—An oven of appropriate size capable of maintaining a uniform temperature of 110 ± 5°C
(230 ± 9°F).
7.1. Sample the aggregate in accordance with T 2. The mass of the field sample shall be the mass shown in T 2 or four times the mass required in Sections 7.4 and 7.5 (except as modified in Section 7.6). whichever is greater.
7.2. Thoroughly mix the sample and reduce it to an amount suitable for testing using the applicable procedures described in T 248. The sample for test shall be the approximate mass desired when dry and shall be the end result of the reduction. Reduction to an exact predetermined mass shall not be permitted.
Note 3—Where sieve analysis, including determination of material finer than the 75-tm (No. 200) sieve, is the only testing proposed, the size of the sample may be reduced in the field to avoid shipping excessive quantities of’ extra material to the laboratory.
7.3. Fine Aggregate—The size of the test sample of aggregate, after drying. shall be 300 g minimum.AASHTO T27-14  pdf download.

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