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AASHTO T30-15 pdf free download

AASHTO T30-15 pdf free download.Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate.
If the sample consists of aggregate obtained from T 164, add the mass of mineral matter contained in the extracted asphalt binder to the mass of the dry sample and record this value as the initial specimen mass (Note 4). The procedure for determination of the mineral matter content of the extracted asphalt is described in T 164.
Note 4 If the asphalt mixture was extracted in accordance with T 164, Method E, for plant control purposes, a mineral matter determination may not have been completed. In this case, record the mass determined in Section 7.1 as the initial specimen mass.
If the sample consists of aggregate obtained from T 308, the mass determined in Section 7.1 shall agree with the mass of aggregate remaining after ignition (M, from T 308) within 0.1 percent. If the variation exceeds 0.1 percent, the results of this test should not be used for acceptance purposes. Record the mass determined in Section 7.1 as the initial specimen mass.
Place the test sample in a container and cover it with water. Add a sufficient amount of wetting agent to assure a thorough separation of the material finer than the 75-urn (No. 200) sieve from the coarser particles. Add the wetting agent (Note 5). Agitate the contents of the container vigorously and immediately decant the wash water over a nest of two sieves consisting of a 2.00-mm (No. 10) or 1.18-mm (No. 16) sieve superimposed on a 75-trn (No. 200) sieve (Note 6). The use of a large spoon or similar device is recommended to aid the process of agitating the contents of the container. Limit agitation by mechanical washing equipment to a maximum of 10 mm.
Note 5 —There should be enough wetting agent to produce a small amount of suds when the sample is agitated. The quantity will depend on the hardness of the water, the quality of the detergent, and the agitation process. Excessive suds may overflow the sieves and carry some material with them.
Note 6—When mechanical washing equipment is used, the introduction of water, agitating, and decanting may be a continuous operation.
Vigorously agitate the sample, bringing the particles finer than the 75-urn (No. 200) sieve into suspension. Decant the suspension over the sieve nest in order to completely separate the fine particles from the coarse particles. Use care to avoid, as much as possible, the decantation of the coarse particles of the sample onto the sieve nest. Repeat the operation until the wash water is clear. Do not overflow or overload the 75-urn (No. 200) sieve.
Return all material retained on the nested sieves to the container. Dry the washed aggregate in the container to constant mass in accordance with T 255 and determine its mass to the nearest 0.1 percent.
Sieve the aggregate over various sieve sizes, including the 75-trn (No. 200) sieve as required by the specification covering the asphalt mixtures. Additional sieve sizes may be used to regulate the amount of material on a sieve to meet the requirements of Section 7.6. Nest the sieves in order of decreasing size of opening from top to bottom and place the sample on the top sieve. Agitate the sieves by a mechanical apparatus for a sufficient period, established by trial or checked by measurement on the actual test sample, to meet the criterion for adequacy of sieving described in Section 7.7.AASHTO T30-15 pdf download.

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