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AASHTO T30-93 pdf free download

AASHTO T30-93 pdf free download.Mechanicai Anaiysis of Extracted Aggregate.
4.1.1 The balance shall have sufficient capacity, be readable to 0.1 percent of !he sample mass or better; and conform to the requirements of M 231.
5.1 The sample shall consist of the entire lot or sample of aggregate determined according to Section 8 of T 164, Quantitative b.xtractiofl 01 bitumen trom bituminous Paving Mixtures from which the bituminous material has been extracted.
6.1 The sample shall be dried until further drying at 110 ± 5°C (230 ± 9°F) does not alter the mass 0.1 percent, the nrecision of weiwhin2. The total mass of aggregate in the bituminous mixture being tested is the sum of the mass of the dried aggregates and the mineral matter contained in the extracted bitumen. The latter is to be taken as the sum of the masss of the filter element as determined in T 164.
6.2 The test sample after being dried and weighed shall be placed in a container and covered with watcr. Add a sufficient amount of wetting agent to assure a thorough separation of the material finer than the 75-p.m sieve from the coarser pattides. The contents of the container shall be agitated vigorously and the washwater immediately poured over a nest of two sieves consisting of a 2.00 or 1.18-mm sieve superimposed on a 75-p.m sieve. The use of a large spoon to stir and agitate the aggregate in the wash water has been found satisfactory.
NOTE I – -Welting agents may Include any dispersing agent such as Calgon, Joy. or other detergent. or a soap. which will promote the separation of fine material.
6.3 The agitation shall be sufficiently vigorous to result in the complete separation from the coarse particles of all particles finer than the 75-gm sieve and bnniz them into suspension in order that they may be removed by decantation of the washwater. Care should be taken to avoid, as much as possible, the tiecantation of the coarse particles of the sample. The operation shall be repeated until thd” witch wRUr is ‘lg’ar,
6.4 All material retained on the nested sieveS shall be returned to the container. The washed aggregate in the container shall be dried to constant mass a a temperature of 110 ± 5°C (230 ± 9°F) and weighed to the nearest 0.1 percent.
6.5 The aggregate shall then be sieved over sieves of various sizes required by the specification covering the mixture, including the 75-p.m sieve. Nest the sieves in order of decreasing size of opening from top to bottom and place the sample on the top sieve. Agitate the sieves by hand or by mechanical apparatits fnr a siiffirpnt nncvI hIkhed by trial or checked by measurement on the actual test sample, 8. PRECISION AND BIAS 8.1 Precision- The estimates of precision for this test method are lisied in Table 1. The estimates are based on the results from the AASHTO Materials Reference Laboraiory Proficiency Sam- ple Program, with testing conducted by T 30. The data are based on the analyses of the test results from 47 to 190 labora- tories that tested 17 pairs of proficiency test samples (Samples No.1 through 34). The values in the table are given for different ranges of total percentage of aggregate passing a sieve. 8.2 Bias- This test method has no bias since the values determined can only be defined in terms of this test method.AASHTO T30-93 pdf download.

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