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AASHTO T48-17 pdf free download

AASHTO T48-17 pdf free download.Flash Point of Asphalt Binder by Cleveland Open Cup.
5.2. The performance of the apparatus shall be verified at least once per year by determining the flash point of a known reference material. Run the test according to Section 7 on a certified flash point material. The certified flash point material shall have test results for T 48 or for ASTM D92. To be considered acceptable, the flash point shall be within ±8.0°C (±14.4°F) of the certified test result. If the test result is out of tolerance, check the apparatus for compliance with Section 4 and rerun with a new sample.
6.1. The Cleveland open-cup tester shall be placed in a firm and level position on a solid, vibration- free table in a draft-free hood or flash room, or well toward the back of a draft shield. The top of the tester shall be shielded from strong light so that the flash may be easily seen.
6.2. The temperature measuring device shall be positioned with the bottom of the device being 6.4 ±
1.0 mm (0.25 ± 0.04 in.) above the bottom of the test cup and approximately halfway between the center and the inside edge of the test cup on the side opposite the test flame applicator mounting position.
6.3. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for setting up the manual or the automated apparatus for operation. Set the automated tester to run the test in accordance with Section 7.3.
7.1. Obtain the asphalt binder sample according to R 66. Heat the sample in its container with a loosely fitted cover in an oven not to exceed 163°C (325°F) for the minimum time necessary to ensure that the sample is completely fluid. Manually stir the sample but avoid incorporating air bubbles.
7.2. Fill the cup with material to be tested to the filling mark 9 to 10 mm (0.35 to 0.39 in.) below the rim of the cup. If the filling level gauge is used, fill the cup until the level of material just touches the pointers of the leveling device.
Note 2—The test sample should be at least 50°C (90°F) below the anticipated flash point. Note 3—The sample cup may be filled away from the apparatus provided the thermometer is preset with the cup in place and the sample level is correct at the beginning of the test. A shim 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) thick is useful in obtaining the correction distance from the bottom of the bulb to the bottom of the cup.
7.3. Manual F/as/i Point Testing:
7.3.1. Light the test flame and adjust it to a diameter of 3.8 to 5.4 mm (0.15 to 0.21 in.).
7.3.2. For testing of a sample for which the expected flash point temperature is known, apply heat initially at such a rate that the temperature indicated by the temperature-measuring device increases 10 to 20°C (18 to 36°F)/min. When the test specimen temperature is approximately 50°C (90°F) below the expected flash point, decrease the heat so that the rate of temperature rise during the last 28°C (50°F) before the flash point is 4 to 10°C (7 to 18°F)/min.
7.3.3. At approximately 28°C (50°F) below the anticipated flash point and at successive 2°C (5°F) intervals, pass the ignition taper across the sample in a continuous motion so that the time consumed for each pass is I s. The center of the test flame must move in a horizontal plane not more than 2.5 mm (0.10 in.) above the plane of the upper edge of the cup and pass in one direction only. At the time of the next test flame application, pass the test flame in the opposite direction of the preceding application.AASHTO T48-17  pdf download.

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