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AASHTO T55-02 pdf free download

AASHTO T55-02 pdf free download.Water in Petroleum Products and Bituminous Materials by Distillation.
4. Summary of Test Method 4.1 The material to be tested is heated under reflux with a water-immiscible solvent. which co-distills with the water in the sample. Condensed solvent and water are continuously separated in a trap, the water settling in the graduated section of the trap and the solvent returning to the still. 5. Significance and Use 5.1 A know ledgc of the water content of petrolcum products is important in the refining, purchase. sale, and transfer of products. 5.2 The amount of water as determined by this test method (to the nearest 0.05 or 0.1 volume %,depending on the trap size used) may be used to correct the volume involved in the custody transfer of petroleum products and bituminous mate- rials. 5.3 The allowable amount of water may be specified in contracts. 6. Solvent-Carrier Liquid 6.1 A solvent carrier liquid appropriate to the material being tested (see Table 1) shall be used. 6.1.1 Aromaic Solven1– The following aromatic solvents are acceptable: Industrial Grade Xylene- ( Warning- -Flammable. Vapor harmful) A blend of 20 volume % industrial grade toluene and 80 volume % industrial grade xylene. (Warning- -Flammable. Vapor harmful.) Petroleum Naphthe or Coal Tar Naphtha. free of water, yielding not more than 5% distillates at 1259C (257°F) and not less than 20% at 160°C (320°F) and with a relative density (specific gravity) not lower than 0.8545 at 15.56/ 15.56°C (60/60 F). (Warning一Extremely flammable. Harm- ful if inhaled. Vapors ay cause fire.)6.1.2 Petroleum Distillate So/vent– A petroleum distillate snlvent.5% hoiling hetween 90 and 100°C (194 and 012°F) and 90%6 distilling below 210°C (410°F). shall be used. Percent may be determined by mass or by volume. (Warning- Flammable. Vapor harmful.) 6.1.3 Volatile Spirits Solvent- The following volatile spirits soivenls ale aceptable. Petroleum Spirit, with a boiling range from 100 to 120°C (212 to 248°F). (Warning- Flammable. Vapor harmful.) Iso-octane, of 95% purity or better. (Warning一 Extremely fAammable. I larmful if inhaled. Vapors may cause fire.) 6.2 Solvent Blank- -The water content of the solvent shall be determined by distilling an equivalent amount of the same solvent used for the test sample in the distillation apparatus and testing as outlined in Section 10. The blank shall be determined to the nearest scale division and used to correct the volume of watcr in the trap in Scction II. 7. Apparatus 7.1 General– -The apparatus comprises a glass or metal still, a heater, a reflux condenser, and al graduated glass trap. The still, trap, and condenser may be connected by any suitable method that produces a leakproof joint. Preferred connections are groundi joinis for giass and O-rings ior Ieiai i0 giass. Typical assemblies are illustrated in Fig. I, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3. The stills and traps should be chosen to cover the range of materials and water contents expected. On assembly, care shall be taken to prevent the joints from freezing or sticking. Always apply a very thin film of stopcock grease to prevent the glassware joints from seizing.7.2 Still- -A glass 01 netal vessel with at shont neck and suitable joint for accommodating the reflux tube of the trap shall he lsed. Vessels of 500, 1000、 and 2000-mI. nominal capacity have proved satisfactory. 7.3 Heater– A suitable gas burner or clectric heater may be used with the glass still. A gas ring burner with ports on the inside circumference shall be used with the metal still. The gas ring burer shall be of such dimensions that it may be moved up and down the vessel W hen testing materials that are likely to foam or solidify in the still. 7.4 Glassware- Dimensions and descriptions of typical glassware for use in this test method are provided in Specifi- cation E 123.AASHTO T55-02 pdf download.

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